Chapter twelve

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Merry takes a look at me, and laughs.
" You- you - can't be se- serious are you?!" He gasps for breath. His laughter echos off the cave walls, even though we are far away from them.
" Fool! You aren't supposed to laugh like a howling monkey! Plus, it's not like I kissed back!"
Merry takes one glance at me, and laughs again.
" Legolas has an interest in you! Haha! Wait till I tell Pip and the others." He then takes off in the other direction. Oh no.

Suddenly, Boromir comes running up the path. "ORCS!" He screams." RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" I jump up, and take off running towards the cave. I bump into Legolas. I blush but say, " Orcs! Gather our equipment!ill fight them off!"
He nods his head, and runs towards the horses. Me, on the other hand, grabs my bow and quiver of arrows, before taking off towards the orcs. Their grotesque faces pull back into a snarl, as they see me. I start shooting arrows. Arrows impale the horrid creatures' necks, foreheads, stomachs, and much more. Once the pack of orcs are all killed off, I head back to our shelter. One Orc jumps out from behind the rocks, and I quickly strap my dagger from my leg, and stab it in between the eyes.
I wait for more to come, before setting off towards the cave. I lunge out as one threatens to kill Sam. I stab the foul scum in the lungs, and he drops Sam. I help Sam up.
" Thank you Ariana. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be Mister Frodo's humble and ever so charming gardener, anymore!" I laugh and say, " it was a pleasure saving your neck Sam. If you have any trouble, just yell. I'll be there to save you Mister ever so charming Mister Frodo's gardener!" We set off together towards the others.
Legolas is tending to Mister Frodo. He has a wound on his arm. Luckily the blade wasn't poisoned, as most orcen blades are. Boromir and Aragorn are looking for more orcs, and Gimli is making sure all the orcs are dead, by cutting them in half with his axe. Bodies are scattered everywhere. I shudder as blood of the orcs I killed drip from my fingers. I go down to the stream, and wash my hands and face. When I am all cleaned, I turn to see everyone amused, except for Legolas. Oh. This cannot be good. Merry takes one look at me, and squeaks, hiding himself behind Aragorn. I shake my head as Aragorn lets out an amused chuckle.
I should have never told Merry. He made everyone think I was in love with Legolas. Which is not true. I only like him as a friend. Right? At least that is what I assume. Let's hope that assumption is correct.

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