Chapter twenty five

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I push Legolas off of me, and get up from the ground. I brush past Legolas, and head back to my spot in our make shift shelter. Hot, angry, tears roll off my cheeks now. How dare he try and kiss me. Maybe Merry was right. He probably loves me. I mean, I like him as a friend.

I hear Legolas talking to Aragorn.

" What did you do, to make her run off crying?" Aragorn asks kindly.

" I tried to kiss her. " Legolas replies sadly.

" YOU WHAT?! Oh Legolas, she only likes you as a friend! How could you be a fool?" Aragorn and Gimli say at the same time.

Tears roll down my face as I hear him reply, " I thought she'd would like it. I mean, after all, her father doesn't even know her. And, she doesn't know her real father. Plus, her mother is dead, and her father, and her brother. I thought you would tell her already. ARWEN didn't tell her that she is her half sister. I bet you, she would be so heart broken to hear her own story. She has been through so much, Merry,Pippin ,Frodo, Sam, and Boromir are all gone. i thought it would cheer her up."

I let out a muffled scream, and continue to sob. Tears flow down my face, harder, and my shoulders shake so bad, I thought I was dying. How could he not tell me? How could Lord Elrond not tell me? I thought Legolas would tell me something like that.

I get up and wipe my tears away. I go to the stream, and wash my face. My real parents must have been killed in an Orc attack. I am indeed heart broken. I grab my knife, and stab my hand. I do not know what for, but I let the blood drip on the rocks. This was for my mother, brother, and father. I wash my hand, and wrap it with some cloth. Then I head back. My stomach hurts as I see Aragorn and Legolas, helping Gimli stoke the fire.

My head hurts, as I look into the flames of the fire. The bold orange makes me dizzy. I shake my head, and look away. Aragorn pulls me over. He takes a deep breath, and starts to talk, but I interrupt.

" I know. You are going to talk about my real family...yes I heard you talking to Legolas. I'm a listener." With that, I grab my pack and saddle up my horse. I jump up and yell,

" You slow pokes are wasting time! The longer you wait, the shorter time we have to find Merry and Pippin. " Then I gallop off, leaving a very startled Aragorn behind.

Heartbeat: a Legolas FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now