Chapter five

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" Father, I would like you to meet my friend, prince Legolas." I say to my father.
" Ah, I see. So, prince Legolas, do you like my daughter?"
Legolas and I both choke on our Apple cider. We are currently eating with Lord Thranduil.
" Lord Elrond, Ariana, is my Mellon. She is very nice. Especially for a maid with attitude. " My father chuckles, and Lord Thranduil laughs.
I turn to give Legolas a smile, but as I do, that smile sons starts to fade away. I see a blotch of red on his arm. Oh no. Not here. Not now! But my father, and Lord Thranduil both see the wound.
" Legolas?" Thranduil questions, " what on Middle Earth is that?!"
" Father I - "
" Did you go to the forest?!"
" Yes but- "
" Go to the infirmary. "
" Lord Thranduil, " I blurt out , " It was my fault your son got injured. I suggested we went into the forest. " now my father looks like he might explode.
" Ariana, I told you you couldn't go into the forest! I told you it was dangerous!"
Legolas stands from his chair. " It wasn't her fault, My Lord. She saved my life. If she wasn't there, I would have been skewered. Please don't get mad at her. "
" Very well. I think she needs to be escorted to bed, early. She must think of her actions. " Legolas then beckons me to follow him
We walk in the long corridor, not speaking a word. We keep walking. It's seems like an endless hall, before Legolas stops at a door, and I bump into him.
" Listen, Ariana, your father will take it easy on you. Besides, going into a forest can't be that bad. Anyways, I wanted to say goodnight, before I left. " He then gives me a hug, and says" goodnight Mellon. "
I open the door to my chamber, and gasp. It is huge. It's like my room, except twice the size. I change into the nightclothes laid out on the bed, and decide to go to sleep, when a knock on the door shakes me out of my near father enters, and I cower behind the covers, as I wait for his cover to blow.
" Ariana, I am very disappointed in you. I thought if you came to this ball, you would have some sense. But you disrespected my orders, and therefore, you have to be punished. Tomorrow morning, after breakfast, we leave back to Rivendell. Apparently formal parties, can't form you into a lady."
" Ada no! We just got here. You can't make me leave!"
" I can if I want to. I am your king, and you shall obey me. "
Then he sighs, and walks out of the room. I collapse on the pillow, and sigh. Legolas was wrong. It won't be alright. Tomorrow, will be the last day I get to see him. I close my eyes, and wait for sleep to take over me, so I can finally get away from this real nightmare.

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