Chapter fourteen

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I apologize for leaving so many cliffhangers. It has been so much fun writing this. I know this is the last chapter. I'm very sorry wattpad.....jk!jk!jk! If it was April fools...this would have made the best prank! But it's not...and I'm way not finished with this book. I'm glad too! This book has taken me on a journey!thank you guys for reading this book!anyways....enjoy!

Legolas couldn't have possibly given me the rose, could he? I hear giggling, and I turn to see Merry laughing behind the rock.
" YOU LITTLE- " I yell.
" Did you like the flower?" Merry gasps for breath.
"No! I do not like the flower!in fact I hate it! I hate it so much! Why do you always have to try and humiliate me?! It's getting really annoying."
" That was the whole point. If you want me to stop...I can stop..."
" Please!please stop!ill do anything if you stop!"
" Anything...? Hmm...I want you to get me all the water skins. Empty them on the blankets, except for mine and yours. Then fill them again, and or it inn your satchel. It'll look like the skins are full."

" Okay. This will be classic." We slap hands, then get to work. I empty the water skins, and dump them on the blankets. Including Legolas's. At one point the blankets are so soaked, they look like they were dunked in the stream. I put them in the bag, and saddle it to my horse.

It is nightfall now, and Gandalf calls all of us over.
"We must go to the mines of Moria by tomorrow. The orcs can come back any time. They will show no mercy, as orcs do not. We must go now. Hobbits shall be in the middle. I will be in the front. Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, you will be in the front with me. Elves, Legolas and Ariana, you will go to the back. We will need your archery skills if any orcs sneak up from behind. Now get to it! My beard won't get any longer, and I won't get any younger! Tut!Tut!"
We all form a line on our horses. Then we set off. Legolas and I are side to side. I stay quite for a while, before rummaging through my pack for my hunting knife. I pick it up, by the diamond handle, and throw it in the air. I toss it a couple of times, and catch it. Toss, catch. Toss, catch.
"How do you do that?" Legolas snaps me out of my hand, eye,coordination practices.
" How do I do what?" I ask
" How do you throw knifes, while riding a horse, and looking straight ahead, without taking your eyes off of it?"
" Practice Mellon. Those years we were apart, I trained. Even before that, I trained. It was the day my Nana died, that I started practicing." I say quietly, looking down at the moving ground.
" I'm so sorry. I didn't know about your mother. "
" It doesn't matter. She died when I was 600. I was young."
" If it isn't to much to did she die?"
" Orcin Blade. She was in an Orc attack, and she got cut by a blade. It was poisoned. The poison made its way to her heart in two hours.she told me she loved me, and to never try and kill orcs alone. But I disobeyed her dying order. I wanted to kill as many orcs as I could, because I remember what they did to an innocent woman."
" Oh wow. Thank you for telling me. It must be hard. Not many people open up to others like that."
" I know Legolas. I'm glad you took interest in listening. Not many people care." Honestly, now I feel so bad about putting water in his blanket. I will switch my blanket with his. The joke was cruel anyways.

Pippin stops, and stares at the starlight.
" O! How beautiful the sky Is at night! I wish we could see this in The Shire!"
Frodo pipes up," If we ever make it back!"
I stop. " You listen here Mister Frodo Baggins. We will make it back! I promise! The ring shall burn in Mordor, and then all of the ruckus being made, will end!"
I nudge my horse to go foreword. It's going to be a long journey to get to the mines of Mordor. But I know we shall make it together. But first, I need to get some sleep. I lay my head on the horse's neck, and dose off.

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