Chapter nineteen

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I wake up in the morning to strange silence. It is surprising. Everyone is out of bed and...gone! Did they leave me behind? Did I really sleep in that much? I get up from my sleeping spot, and head outside. The sun is shining. No birds chirp. I grab my bow, and sling it over my shoulder. Then I grab my knife, and hold onto it tightly, before going into the forest. Then I smell it. Orcs. The foul stenches, are fighting my friends.

I run up to them, and stab one in the neck. I rip my dagger out, and hurl it at the next Orc. Boromir is fighting three orcs at once. Pippin and Merry cower next to him. All of a sudden, the Orc shoots Boromir in the shoulder. But Boromir keeps on fighting. The Orc shoots him he chest, and Boromir cries out, but keeps fighting. Then the third arrow hits him, and he stumbled to the ground. I run from behind, and kill all the orcs. Pippin and Merry are no where to be seen. I kneel down besides Boromir

" Boromir, you can't die! Not after Gandalf! The evil is taking my best friends away." I cry.

" Ariana, you are a fighter. Keep Frodo and everyone else safe. Tell Frodo I am sorry for trying to take the ring away from him. He is a good hobbit. He has good friends. I want you to make sure he gets to Mordor, and pitches that horrid One Ring, into the fire. Have him destroy it. The temptation of taking it from him was strong. But now, that temptation will leave me. And I am glad. " With that, he lets out a final breath.

I tilt my head back, looking to the sky, and let out a ear splitting shriek.

" WHY?!WHY MUST YOU TAKE ALL THE GOOD IN THIS WORLD?!" I scream at the heavens. I lay my head on Boromir's still chest, and cry. He will never come back.

Oh no. I forgot all about the hobbits. Where could Pippin and Merry be? And what about Frodo and Sam? Did the orcs kill them? I turn to see Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas stand silently behind me. Aragorn bows hid head.

" he was a good companion." Is all he says, before walking up to me, and leaning down. He kisses the dead man's forehead, and sighs. " Now to find the hobbits."

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