Da Amazhang Stolls Who "Stoll" My Skittles and Shall Die

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~There is no such thing as order or schedules at Camp Half-Blood. Like, why are there 50 time skips in one chapter? And why is there always free periods? Ex:

Hey, today I woke up and went to the dining pavilion to eat breakfast.
*time skip*
I slept all day today...
*time skip*
And no one noticed I wasn't there...
*time skip*
And now I'm staring at a wall all depressed, cause no one likes me...
*time skip*
Lol. Cause like, when is there ever time for lunch?
Like Siriusly! (A/N: hehe, Harry Potter fandom...) Isn't there like an official schedule or something? I'm pretty sure they don't kiss or stare at walls all day!

~There is NO Frank! Honestly, people only use him in fanfics when they need animals to save their characters or something like that...
Either that or he dies or he just doesn't exist or he is put in Sachlameryn, the island of skittles...orrrr...yeah, he dies. The odds are not in Frank's favor...

~The characters never get tired after using a powerful. I guess they're too Amazhang to get tired...

~Artemis has children...
...That's all I have to say...

Just kidding, I have a lot to say...
They always make the "child of Artemis" a girl because she can't break her vow and make it a boy...but she already broke he vow by HAVING THE CHILD! It makes nooooo sense to have a child of Artemis in the first place!

~People use these weird emojis and use text speak.

I stood up from my desk and walked over to Beth, "OMG! WYD? ANYWAY, BRB! \\(O$O)//"
I walked back to my desk, pick up the invitation, and walked back to Beth, "OKAY, SO HERE YA GO, TTYL! ~•~"
"...Thanks?" Beth said. O.o

Like, why can't you spell out the words? It's not that hard...

~Why are all the truth or dare games in the Poseidon cabin? Isn't there like, three other empty cabins? Not including the Argo II, which is the perfect place for truth or dare!

~Leo is OBSESSED with suspenders! He doesn't even wear suspenders in the book! Sure, he may wear them once in a while, but not EVERY DAY! He wears a camo jacket more than suspenders. SAMMY wore suspenders.

~the only monsters that exist are minotaurs, hellhounds, and furies. The rest of the monsters took a vacation to Disney World and are stuck there Irish dancing with Niall Horan, forever. I'm not saying that's a bad thing... ;)

~Enemies are always: Kronos, Gaea, or both combined. Oh, and it gets even better when you add in Voldemort...

~The protagonist always claims she's a "tomboy", but doesn't necessarily act like one...

I watched the game as Percy brought back popcorn. He handed it to me and say down. The person with a metal bat swung and hit the ball that was thrown at them. He ran to the first white piece and the second and then the third. He finally got to the fourth and everyone cheered.
I joined in screaming, "TOUCHDOWN!"
Percy looked at me weirdly, but I shrugged. Obviously, he didn't know much about sports...

~Bye, bye Grover. You aren't really important in any fanfics. I hope you enjoy you're stay with Frank on Sachlameryn. I hope you like skittle, cause there isn't any tin cans...

~Stole is always spelled like "Stoll"
No, just no. It's different when you're talking about Conner and Travis, but when you're not talking about them...use correct language people!

~The characters are really good at reading each other's faces.

I looked Sydney straight in the eyes. Her eyes filled with worry and looked as to say, 'Don't die and don't forget to eat your sandwich and make sure to get enough calories and make sure you bring me back a rainbow hippo that talks and eats candy for breakfast.'
I looked back and made a face that said, 'I will and you need to not die either'.

Like, do they have telepathy too?!

~The injuries heal too fast. That's when the author has them gets hurt and forgets that they need them to go on a epic dangerous quest the next day. *POOF* instantly healed and perfect.

~Grammar mistakes. I know that we all have some of these, but it gets so annoying and hard to read when there are SO many!

i wok up dis mourning afd c a coot boi. hee wuz tallcing two dis gurl anf i butted in afd sttdrted yulling af hwr,
"wut Ya thainnk youwe doin?! i wuv dis men!"

...I cringed while writing that...
Thank you'll for reading! I hope ya'll liked it! ;)
See Ya next time Skittle minions!

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