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Speed and Stella were making out in the Jolteon's lab. Stella had Speed in a tight grip with her feelers. They stopped to take a breath

Stella: "You know, we should really be more professional."

Speed laughed: "You do realize you initiated that."

Stella chuckled: "Yes, and I'm fully prepared to reprimand myself then."

She sighed: "I'm just saying, you know, anyone could walk in, like, Alfred or Captain..."

Her voice trailed off as they heard paw-steps. They turned to the source and saw Lazuli walk in

Stella quickly loosened her feelers from Speed and cleared her throat

Stella: "But I have, like, a 4:00 to 12:00, but... I'll see you later."

Speed nodded: "Yeah, alright."

She walked away from Speed but passed Lazuli: "I'll see you for Christmas."

Lazuli nodded: "Yeah, okay."

Then it was just Speed and Lazuli in the lab.

Lazuli smiled at the Jolteon: "I'm so happy for you. Truly."

Speed smiled back: "Thank you. It means a lot to me that you like her."

He sighed: "I don't know. Wells, he left me that message where he said that I'd never really be happy. And for a while I really started to believe him, but, now...I don't know. Maybe there is a way to..."

Speed looked back at Lazuli who was facing the floor

Speed: "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Lazuli looked back up at Speed, tears were forming in the Glaceon's eyes

Lazuli: "I'm so sorry. I can't keep this in anymore, Speed. I know I was so mad at you and Dad for not telling me that you were The Flash, but when I found out about this, I didn't know what to do."

Speed: "What? What's going on?"

Lazuli began to explain: "When Lapis came back, my Dad told me not to trust her and he was right. I didn't know how much. When my mother left us, she was pregnant. She had a son. Alfred's son. My brother."

Speed's eyes widened: "What's his name?"

Lazuli: "Gai. Gai West. When I found out, I told her to leave and never come back and to never tell my dad, but Speed, I feel..."

She hiccuped as tears began falling down her cheeks

Lazuli: "I feel like this is hollowing me out. Every time I look at Dad, I feel like I'm hurting him. I don't... I don't know what to do."

Speed put his paws on Lazuli's shoulders: "I think you know what you have to do."

Lazuli: "I can't. It's gonna kill him."

Speed shook his head: "No, it won't. You don't have to do this alone. We can tell him together."

Lazuli hugged Speed: "Thank you."

Speed patted her on the back reassuring the Glaceon


Jay was finally back, he and Pearl were discussing how to shut down the portals

Jay: "I was thinking that if we could inject an unstable neutrino burst into the individual breaches, it might cause them to seal on their own."

Pearl: "And stop Zoom from travelling back and forth between our worlds."

Eeveelution Squad AU: The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now