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Speed was standing in the center of the Cortex, the team was gathered at the main desk. Behind Speed was a pedestal of some sort, there was a blanket covering it

Speed sighed: "I need to apologize to you all. Last year I made a choice to go back in time and save my mother, and that choice had a lot of consequences that will haunt me for the rest of my life, just like I know it haunts all of you too."

He cleared his throat: "Zoom, Jay's death...It's all because of me, but I own those choices. We're the mons who opened the door to Gaia-602. We're the mons who brought Zoom here, but we are also the mon who are gonna stop him."

Alex: "How are we gonna stop Zoom, Allen?"

Speed shrugged: "I don't know yet. But those breaches aren't closed forever, and we're not done with Gaia-602."

Speed pulled back the blanket and revealed a glass case with Jay's helmet in it

Speed: "Jay's death was not in vain. We will meet Zoom again, and the next time, I will beat him, whoever that monster is."



The team was at the cliff by the Plasma Town Dam, they were doing some training to fight Zoom. Speed was in his suit next to Trace. Pearl and Alex were setting up some equipment

Speed tossed a rock down into the water, it took about 15 seconds

Trace: "Uh, it didn't look this deep on the map."

Speed: "That's 'cause maps are flat. This is, like, 1,000 feet deep."

Trace shrugged: "Well, you want to get faster. Maybe plummeting to your death is the motivation you need."

Alex walked over holding a notepad

Alex: "So to reach escape velocity, you're gonna have to go..."

He showed Speed the number: "...that fast."

Speed sighed: "Oh boy."

Trace: "If it makes you feel any better, Evel Knievel cleared a line of cars that was twice this long, and he didn't even have superpowers."

Pearl: "If you don't feel ready, you probably shouldn't do it."

Speed: "Look, Zoom's still out there. And once I find a way back to Gaia-602, I have to be faster than him. And, I mean, right now--I wasn't even fast enough to save Jay. I have to try."

Speed backed up and got into a starting position, the team was watching from the van. Trace held a tablet.

The lightning appeared in the Jolteon's eyes and he darted to the edge of the cliff, he then jumped and started flying across the gap.

He was getting close to the other side

Pearl: "He's gonna make it."

The Jolteon then plummeted down into the water

Pearl: "No!"

Alex: "Ah, damn."

They both ran to the edge where a net being carried by drones had the Jolteon

Trace mocked them: " 'Why'd you have to bring those drones along, Trace?' Oh, I don't know. You're welcome, everymon."


Speed ran in the room and took off his suit. CC was watching something on the computer

Trace, Alex and Pearl then walked in

Eeveelution Squad AU: The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now