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Speed was running along the road in his suit headed toward S.T.A.R. LABS

Speed: "There's this song lyric I like. 'All the broken hearts in the world still beat.' Mine's beating, but bruised. Hopefully not for long. The one thing I do know is: time changes everything."

Speed arrived inside the Cortex of S.T.A.R. Labs and saw Alex working on something. Other than that, the Cortex was completely empty

Speed: "Oh, hey."

Alex: "Hey."

Speed: "You're here late."

Alex: "As are you. Shouldn't you be out... doing whatever it is that 26-year-olds do on a Sunday night?"

Speed sighed: "Um, I am recently single. So, I thought I would tackle the breach problem. See if I could figure out how to close them. Looks like you had the same idea."

Alex nodded: "Right. I work better alone."

Speed: "Haven't you heard the expression 'two heads are better than one'?"

Alex: "No.

Speed mumbled: "Must be a Gaia-601 thing."

Alex: "Your Gaia has yet to create CFL quark matter, and so it would take you too long to catch up on the science haul. Do it by myself."

Speed saw a book on the desk and picked it up: "This science?"

Alex nodded: "Yes, that science."

Speed smirked: "Observe."

The Jolteon began rapidly flipping through the pages reading all the materials while Alex looked on and scoffed

Speed closed the book while Alex was shaking his head

Alex: "That's annoying."

Speed exhaled: "Alright, I'm all caught up for the next, like, 30 minutes, give or take."

Alex sighed: "Alright, you can assist, but I'm in charge."

Speed chuckled: "Yeah, you're in charge."



Speed walked onto the scene with his CSI briefcase holding a cup of coffee. The Jolteon looked extremely tired

Alfred who was already on scene walked over to him: "Speed, you good?"

Speed sighed but nodded: "Yeah, yeah, no, it's just, you know, it's weird Stella's not here."

Alfred: "Oh, not for the same reasons, but I miss Stella too."

Speed and Alfred walked over to the body which was covered by a tarp

Speed: "What do we got?"

Alfred: "Victim's name is Daniel Burge. Managed to buy this garage two years ago. It looks like he was dipped in a volcano."

Speed took of the tarp and looked at the body which was unrecognizable. It was all burnt to a crisp

Speed cringed: "Yikes..."

Alfred: "The fire investigator didn't find a secondary accelerant."

Speed sighed: "Yeah, he probably wouldn't with a meta. Alright, I'm gonna take a sample back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Have Trace run some tests."

Alfred: "Good, I'm gonna go meet Lazuli for lunch. She wants to talk to me about Gai."

Speed: "Yeah, how's that going, you and him?"

Eeveelution Squad AU: The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now