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Speed stared in horror as he watched Jason shove his vibrating paw through his father Jin's chest

Jason ripped his paw out of the Jin's chest and the Jolteon fell to his knees, then he fell on his side and began to gasp for air.

Speed ran over to his father and held him

Speed: "Dad? Hey! Hey, look at me. Look at me. Dad. Don't leave. Not again."

The Jolteon's voice began to break: "Come on. Come on. Dad..."

Jin looked at his son one last time, smiling before going completely limp, this completely broke Speed and he started sobbing

Jason: "I told you family was a weakness."

Speed looked up at the Umbreon with tears rolling down his face. Then he saw red. He wanted to make Jason pay for what he did

Jason smirked: "You feel the anger, don't you, Flash? And now...The two of us are the same."

Speed was enraged by the Umbreon: "NO!"

He rushed Jason and shoved him against the wall

Jason laughed: "There you go, Flash! Use your anger, just like I did."

The Umbreon shoved Speed aside and ran outside. Speed pursued him

The two raced through the town, but instead of Jason being far faster than Speed, the Jolteon was keeping pace with him. The Umbreon realized he needed to lose Speed, so he turned down an alleyway and split into 2 of himself. He made a Time Remnant.

The two ran to the end of the alley and split up. Speed caught back up and pursued the Remnant without knowing it was a Time Remnant

Speed ran ahead and tripped the Remnant right into another alleyway. Speed grabbed him and ran him up the wall into an air conditioner completely smashing it.

The Jolteon ran him back down and chucked him into a wall. Speed then began to kick the shit out of the remnant in his anger. He ripped off Zoom's cowl, revealing the Umbreon's face.

Speed: "I got you, Zolomon!"

The Jolteon started vibrating his paw and Jason smirked

Jason (R): "Go on, Speed. Embrace your anger and end me!"

Speed moved his paw back and was ready to finish him off but he couldn't bring himself to do it

Suddenly, the main Zoom ran up behind his Remnant and thrust his paw right through the Umbreon's chest causing the Remnant to scream. Speed was startled by this.

Zoom: "Let me do it for you."

Zoom pulled off his cowl and revealed his face: "So close, Speed."

Speed was still shocked: "Another time remnant."

Jason smirked: "You see, Speed, there could be two of you. You just have to be willing to kill yourself."

With that, Jason dashed right into Speed and threw him into the side of a dumpster, leaving the Jolteon in the alleyway with the Time Remnant



It was down pouring rain at the cemetery. It was Jin's funeral and the whole team was there, holding umbrella's. The gravestone was right next to his wife's, Mollie Allen.

Speed tried to compose himself: "Um...My father..."

The Jolteon remained silent for a second before shaking his head

Eeveelution Squad AU: The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now