[The truth is revealed. Did y'all predict that turn of events?]

Gally opened a door into a bustling area. Lacey caught sight of red bracelets on everyone, which she thought was odd.

"Red zone, departing station on five minutes. Thank you."

The kids climbed a set of stairs and saw huge skyscrapers everywhere.

"This is a long way from the Glade," Newt said.

"Fifteen minutes to mandatory curfew. Please proceed home in an orderly fashion. Remember, this is for your safety. Thank you for your compliance."

Lacey frowned. "Mandatory curfew?"

Gally ignored her and noticed a police car. "Yeah, we better get off these streets. And I know it's hard, but act like you've seen it before."

They followed Gally and ran across the street dodging police cars. They hid against the wall of a building and a police cruiser passed them. "They've definitely upped security. I'm guessing you shanks have something to do with that." After a moment, he said, "all right, let's get outta here."

The group ran through the streets again and came to the wall. "All right, Newt, you're up." The boys helped Newt up.

"I got it." Thomas said before jumping up. "Gally, lift Lacey up. I'll grab her."

Gally did so and Thomas grabbed Lacey and she set a foot down. He made sure both feet were down before letting her go.

Gally jumped up and the group quietly ran into a stairwell. "There it is." Gally said, gesturing to the big building directly in front of them. "If WICKED's got Minho, that's where they'll be keeping him." Gally picked up a telescope and set it up. "Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years. Place is crawling with soldiers. They got surveillance everywhere. Scanners on every floor."

"Sounds like a bloody fortress," Newt said.

"Yeah, I thought you said you had a way in," Thomas added.

"I might," Gally replied.

"You might?" Lacey asked.

"What the hell do you mean "might"?" Thomas questioned.

"Take a look," Gally said, motioning to his telescope. Thomas looked to see Teresa. "I said I had a way in. I didn't say you were gonna like it."

Back at base, Thomas said, "No. There's gotta be another way."

"Like what?" Gally asked. "You've seen the building. She is our only way in."

"You really think she's gonna help us?"

"I don't plan on asking her for permission."

"Am I missing something here?" Brenda wondered. "This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick?"

Gally jerked his thumb towards Brenda. "I like her."

Lacey nodded. "I do too. Same dick."

Gally grinned and Lacey started absentmindedly running a hand up and down her arm.

"What's going on?" Brenda asked.

"What, are you scared your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt?" Newt taunted. "Hmm?"

Lacey's gaze hardened slightly. "Scared to face her again?"

Newt nodded and continued. "Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?"

Thomas' eyes narrowed. "What are you going on about?"

"Teresa. She's the only reason that Minho's even missing in the first place. Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back. And what? You don't want to because of her? Because deep down inside, she's still your friend, isn't she? Admit it."

"Newt, I..."

"Don't lie to me!" He pushed him against the wall. "Don't lie to me!"

Newt calmed down and said, "Sorry. I'm sorry."

Before Lacey could start yelling, she knocked something off the table and left the room.

She followed Newt up to the roof and as she stared at the sky, a tear fell down her cheek.

Thomas walked up to the roof where Newt and Lacey were seated.

Newt looked at Thomas. "Sorry about that. Back there."

Lacey nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry too."

"It's all right, Newt. It's okay, Lacey. What's going on with you two?" Thomas asked.

Newt let out a sigh. "I guess I can't hide this anymore." Thomas knelt down as he lifted up his shirt sleeve to reveal a small cut with black veins crawling around his lower arm.

Lacey showed Thomas the cut on her lower arm. Small black veins were crawling out from it. "I'm scared, Thomas."

"Why didn't you two tell me?" Thomas asked.

"Didn't think it would make any difference," Newt replied. "All I know is that WICKED must have put me in that maze for a reason. Maybe it was literally just so they could tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me and Lacey."

"Newt, Lacey, we can still fix this. All right? We can."

Newt shook his head. "Don't worry about me. This is about Minho. Now he needs us. So if there is even the slightest chance that we can save him, we can get him out of there, then we have to take that. No matter what the cost."

Thomas nodded. "Okay. I hear you."

Lacey glanced at Thomas. "If I don't make it, tell Aris that I love him, okay?"

"Lacey, you're gonna make it. I promise."

"Please don't promise the impossible."

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