Thomas and Teresa walked inside the building and he whispered, "Don't stop."

They climbed down a flight of stairs, and soon, Teresa was surrounded by four guards, one quite a bit shorter than the rest.

"Hold on. Hold on," Gally said, stopping at an electrical box. "I can get us in here. Stay there."

"Throw me the walkie," Thomas told him.

Gally tossed him the walkie and Thomas went down another set of stairs.

Newt and Lacey were coughing. They could feel the disease spreading and knew they didn't have much longer.

Thomas said into the walkie, "Frypan, we're in. How you doing?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm getting there," Frypan said. "Tell Minho "Hi" for me."

"Hang in there, buddy."

"Will do. Brenda, what's your status?"

"Status is, I'm working on it," Brenda answered.

"Copy. Just make sure you're ready on your end."

"Don't worry. You know I'm gonna be there."

"All right, let's go," Gally said as he placed the box on the inside of the electrical door.

As soon as the doors opened, Gally and the others were there. The guard was tased and fell to the ground. They tased the other guards and stopped once they were all down.

Newt opened one of the cell doors and smiled. "You guys are okay. Come on."

"Come on, let's go. Newt, check the other cell," Thomas instructed.

Lacey opened a cell and a boy about ten frowned. "Aren't you a little short for a guard?"

She removed her helmet and pulled her hair out from the suit. "Come on. We have to hurry."

The boys smiled and ran out.

Thomas looked for Minho, but wasn't finding him. "Shit. He's not here." He walked up to Teresa and asked, "Where is he?"

"Somebody's moved him up to the medical wing," Teresa said after checking the computer. "Thomas, that's on the other side of the building."

Thomas nodded. "Okay, take me to him. Right now."

Teresa nodded. "All right."

"I'm coming with you," Newt and Lacey told their friend.

"Newt, Lacey, no, you're not. You two have to stay here, wait with Gally for the serum," Thomas said.

"You can't do this on your own," Newt argued. "Minho comes first, remember?"

"I'm not alone."

"Just go," Gally said. "We're wasting time. I'll get the serum."

"Okay, fine," Thomas agreed. "Let's go. Come on."

"Hey Greenie. Good luck."

They slipped their helmets back on and Teresa led them through the building.

"Keep moving," Thomas told her.

Thomas pressed the button for the elevator, wanting it to come faster. "Come on, come on." He pushed it again.

After some impatient waiting, the elevator finally arrived and Thomas pushed Teresa in. The three 'guards' stood behind her. A hand stopped the elevator from closing all the way and Janson entered. "Hold it."

Thomas clenched his hand around the trigger and Lacey held back a breath.

Janson noticed Teresa. "You're working late. See, that's what I like about you, Teresa. No matter how bleak things get, you just... Well, you never give up. Times like this, you need a friend that you can count on."

"I'll bear that in mind," Teresa replied.

"There is one thing you should know. One friend to another. Thomas is here." The 'guards' in back exchanged a subtle look. "A surveillance picked him up outside the walls. Ava didn't want you to know, but there is a chance that he may try to contact you, and if he does, I'd like to think that I'd be your first call."

"Are you going to kill him?" Teresa asked.

"Would that be a problem?"

"This is me."

As they got off, Janson placed a hand on Lacey's shoulder. "Aren't you a little short for a guard?"

Lacey shrugged him off and walked away.

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