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          Adam and I didn't go home, we didn't want to. Instead, he took me to Mike's house where the three of us sat and watched movies all night. Mike had a few blunts that we decided to share, well, that Adam and Mike decided all three of us would share since I had argued the topic when it was first brought to the table. It turns out that Adam and Mike were right about it being fun and calming. 

          I was so glad that Adam and I had made up and were actually hanging out with each other like never before. Just in the past few days he'd become my best friend, then my enemy, then my best friend again. I had never been happier with our brother/sister relationship. 

          It was probably around 2am when the door to the basement opened and mine, Adams, and Mikes heads turned abruptly in the direction of the noise, we had all smoked 2 blunts as a trio and we were feeling very paranoid. It turned out to be Ad-Rock, my heart started fluttering like crazy. 

          "Hey baby" he said with a smile, my cheeks got very warm, very fast. I looked to Adam who wasn't focused on Ad-Rock even a little bit. He didn't seem to care at all that Ad-Rock had shown up, which I, of course, was thrilled about. Ad-Rock came over to wear I sat on the sofa and sat down right next to me. His arm slid around my waste and he pulled me in closer to him. He did something to me, he made the world stop for just a second every single time he touched me. I loved the affect he had on me, I didn't want it to go away. Actually, I needed it to not go away. 

          "You two are disgusting" Mike said from across the room. I looked over to find him with a bottle of vodka in his right hand, and a blunt in the other. That explained his slurred words. My brother simply just laughed at us. I was too high to be really sure, but it looked like laughter of disbelief. I just blushed due to the attention that was being given to mine and Ad-Rocks closeness. I could barely be aware of anything, which I didn't enjoy at this particular moment. 

          "You're just jealous Mike. I have someone to hold close, and you don't. But hey, that's okay buddy don't worry about it, I'm sure the perfect man will come around for you eventually." Ad-Rock laughed but Mikes face got really red and angry. I was actually surprised that all he did next was turn the other way. I was expecting a fight after those accusing words. I was also shocked that Adam hadn't reacted either, but I looked over to see that he was passed out, face down into the sofa. I smiled at the sight. 

          Seeing my brother in the state he was currently in made me think about how tired I actually was. I decided to make myself comfortable and try to sleep. Ad-Rock got the hint when I started moving and positioned himself into a laying position. He made a crook in his arm perfect for my head that I decided to lay down in and I cuddled myself closely to his body. He was very warm, and his chest rose and fell with every breath he took. It was the perfect sleeping conditions. I felt myself get swept into a state of pre-sleep immediately. My surroundings began to disappear, and everything got quiet. The only thing that was there was the sound of his heart against his chest. That sound, I would never forget, and I found myself falling asleep in an instant. 


           When I woke up, I was very confused. I remembered that Mike, Adam, and I hung out last night, and I remembered that Ad-Rock had showed up around 2am and I passed out shortly after that in his arms. However, the question of why he showed up at 2am didn't occur to me until just now. I decided I would bring it up with him later.

          I opened my eyes slowly to see my brother was still passed out, Mike was also passed out in the chair across the room in what looked like a very uncomfortable position, and I was still in the crook of Ad-Rocks arm. He was sleeping, and from the angle I was at, he was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He looked so peaceful and beautiful. His face looked soft and calm. I had never been so in awe before. Just then, his nose wrinkled a little bit and he took a deep breath in, his eyes opened a second later and landed on me after staying on the ceiling for a couple of seconds. Adam smiled down at me, and I found myself smiling back. 

        "Good morning gorgeous" he said in a groggy voice, in my opinion, very sexy. 

        "Good morning" I say back to him with a smile. 

         His smile got bigger and he hugged me tighter, lifting me up onto his body. I was now on top of him, pressed up against him. There was not a single part of me that wasn't touching him, other than my backside, and it drove me wild on the inside. 

          For a second we just looked into each others eyes and smiled, but I suddenly became very aware of something poking into my lower abdomen and I felt my cheeks get hot. 

          "Umm Adam?" I said with an innocent smile on my face. He was clueless for a second until I motioned my eyes downwards. He very suddenly realized and panic set in. 

          "Oh my god I'm so sorry Amber" and I was off of him in a very quick second. He quickly grabbed a pillow from the end of the sofa and covered his lower area with it. I wasn't so sure why he wanted to cover it up, in fact I didn't want him to cover it up. I didn't know what had come over me in that moment, but I was overcome with an odd, but very desperate bravery that had me reaching for the pillow to take it away from him. I grabbed the pillow and threw it to the floor. Adams eyes widened a little bit in surprise, but the hint of a smile began to show on his face. 

          My gaze left Adams face, and went to the protruding bump on his trousers. I felt a tingling sensation in my genitals like I had never felt before. I didn't know where this bravery was coming from, but I didn't care. All I knew was that I trusted Adam, and my body really wanted him. So without really knowing what was happening, my hand began moving up his leg and towards the bump. I heard Adams breathing stop for a second which only made me more excited and made me want him even more than I already did. But I very suddenly became aware that there were two other people in the room, and one of them was my older brother. My hand stopped abruptly, and disappointment set in. 

          I looked up to Adam to see a very confused and shocked look on his face, "My older brother is asleep right there" His face turned over to a look of understanding and that's when we both realized that the moment was over. I found myself starting to laugh quietly and a buried my face in Adams chest. What was I doing? What did I think was going to happen with my brother sleeping right there? Right feeling, wrong timing. 

         Adam held me tight and laughed with me a little bit, he kissed the top of my head and we just layed there for a while enjoying each other company and the closeness of our bodies. Something almost happened there. Something that I didn't think I'd be ready for for a long time. But I was ready, I was very ready. 

         Just then, Adam, my brother, began to move around, and a second later he was awake. He looked over in my direction to see that me and Adam were also awake. He grabbed the pillow that covered the lump just a second ago and threw it in Mikes direction. Much to our amusement, it nailed him right in the face causing him to abruptly get up and have a little panic attack. 

         He heard us laughing at him, "You guys are assholes" he said sounding really angry, but he himself, was also laughing a little bit. 

         I was happy. I was getting closer to my brother and his friends, and I was starting to form a relationship with Adam Horovitz. I was in a really good spot in my life right now, and I couldn't let it slip away. I wanted to hold onto this forever. I wanted to be in Mikes basement forever laughing with my brother and his friends, having a good time together, watching movies, getting high, and being really close to Ad-Rock. This was the best I've ever had it, and I never planned on letting it slip away. 

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