Bottomless Hole

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I had a dream that I was falling into a big dark hole. Bottomless it seemed. I woke up when I was about to land. As I was falling, all I could think about was what was going to be at the bottom. Would there be some kind of heaven? Or a candy land? Or would I just end up where I started? I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the bottom but I didn't know if I would ever reach it. I did but I'll never know what's there.

I was disappointed when I woke up but I didn't know why. Was it a dream I had? (Yes)
or was it that the person I fell asleep next to wasn't there anymore. But why would I be disappointed about that? He was one of my brothers best friends, he's gross, he's annoying, I don't even know him.
(But he's cute)
I shook off the thought rather than dwell on it.

I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I made myself a cup of coffee and found (my brother) Adam on the couch in the living room. I smiled, he was going to have a rough day.

I went over to him and sat on the couch. I shook him lightly, "Adam" I said still shaking him.

"Adam get up" I shook him a little harder but he only groaned louder. I giggled.

"Why didn't you just wait till tonight to have your friends over? It's Friday." He opened his eyes slowly and smiled at me.

"I have no idea" he said as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Ok well I have to be at school in a half hour. Could you give me a ride?" He nodded.

"Yeah ok"

"Thanks" I said and smiled at him. I began to walk back to my room to get ready.

"Hey wait a second!" Adam stopped me in my tracks. I turned back to him.

"Yeah uh, it would be in your best interest to stay away from Ad-Rock" I frowned pretending not to know who he was talking about.

"Who's Ad-Rock?" Adam frowned this time.

"He disappeared last night but his car was still in the driveway. Where else could he have been?" I wasn't going to give up yet.

"Maybe he had to go to the bathroom" I suggested but I could tell Adam wasn't buying it.

"Amber, I'm not stupid ok? I know you two were hanging out, or... whatever I don't want to know. But really I think you should stay away from him and if you don't I'll tell him to stay away from you" I frowned at this. Why should he be able to tell me who I can or can't hang out with?

"Ok yeah! We hung out last night but nothing else and there never will be something else! We are friends and that's all. I don't need you telling me who my friends can be!" The last part came out in a heated sort of tone and I could tell Adam wasn't expecting that. He stood up and came over to me.

"Listen Amber, Ad-Rock doesn't have girls that are just friends, he has girl toys. He uses girls for their bodies and leaves them. He will bring you nothing but pain. If you want to get into that, fine but don't come crying to me when he leaves you in the dust!" And with that Adam grabbed his cigarettes and headed out the back door, slamming it shut behind him. I huffed and stormed into my room to get ready.

What did he know?
(Everything, he's Ad-Rocks best friend!)
Ad-Rock was so sweet and he was caring. At least he seemed to be. I guess the real question was, what do I know? I'm only the best friends younger sister.

I quickly grabbed a black Beatles t-shirt and a pair of black jeans and put them on. I put on mascara, black eyeshadow and eyeliner, and a layer of dark purple lipstick. Then before leaving my room I grabbed my skateboard and headed off to find Adam.

I grabbed an apple from the kitchen and made my way outside to where Adam was smoking a cigarette by his car. Mike was with him.

"Heyyyyyy baby" Mike said, giving me a high five as I walked by.

"Hey Mike, how's life treatin ya?" I ask and smile.

"Just Fine Thanks" He smiles in return.

Adam gives me a dirty look, "Alright your all caught up, now get your asses in the car"

Mike gives me a confused look but quickly hops in the front seat.

Adam turns the radio on and the car is immediately filled with the lovely sounds of The Rolling Stones. Adam may have been upset with me, but he still sang along with me. And damn it, we were having a great time. The windows were down, letting the cool air play with our hair. It felt nice, we were free.

When we got to the school Adam drove me right up to the doors.

"Thanks for the ride big bro" I said grabbing my skateboard and hopped out of the car.

"Hey I'll pick you up at 3 Alright?" I nodded and hit the car signaling him to drive away. He smiled at me before taking off.

"Good luck on your midterm!" Mike yelled right before Adam took off. I laughed.

I waved at them as they cruised out of the parking lot. Music blasting out the car windows.

"I love it" I said out loud before turning to head into school.


As I made my way out the doors for my free period I found myself feeling great about how I did on my midterm. I felt smart for once.

I hopped on my skateboard with a smile and rode over to my friend Allen. I saw him sitting at the picnic table we usually meet at.

He was a scrawny kid, he wore huge bifocals due to the fact that he was legally blind. He was what high schoolers call, a dork.

"Hey Allen" I said and gave him a smile as I sat down.

"Hey Amber, how was your midterm?" He smiled and adjusted his glasses. I felt a wave of happiness sweep through me and I smiled again.

"It went great actually, I feel really good about it."

"That's great! Good job" Allen was great but sometimes he was a little too nice. I felt like I didn't deserve him.

"Thanks Allen" I said and gave him an appreciative smile.

I looked around and took a deep breath. It was a good day. The weather was cool, just the way I like it. The sun was out and there were clouds in the sky. It was absolutely perfect.

Allen took out a book so I just sorta sat there, clueless of what to do. Until I saw a beat up truck pull up right next to us.

It was loud and it was damn rusty. Allen looked up from his book to examine the noise and then he crinkled his nose in disgust at the sight of the truck.

A person hopped out of the truck and made his way around it. A wave of happiness and confusion rolled through me when I saw who it was.

"Well I'll be, is that Amber Yauch?" Ad-Rock smiled and I blushed. There was no use hiding it.

"How did you know I'd be here?" I asked him in surprise. I got up and walked over to him. I noticed Allen had looked up and was examining Ad-Rock.

"Ummm you said you had a test today and you also mentioned that you are 18. A bit too early for you to be in college. So I figured I would check here." He smiled and took a look around at all the students in my class. I couldn't help but smile at him. What was he doing here? Why did he want to find me?

"Why are you here?" I asked him. He looked at me.

"Get in the truck and I'll explain on the way" he said and walked around the truck.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked with an excited smile making its way onto my face.

I opened the door to the truck and slid in next to him. He looked at me with a mischievous grin.

"I guess you'll just have to find out"

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