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"Wake up" I heard someone whisper into my ear. "Come on Amber the sky is beckoning for you"
(What the hell?)

I opened my eyes slowly, still feeling super tired. My body felt weak I was so exhausted and my stomach felt so strange. The source of the strange words was none other than Ad-Rock. He smiled.

"Good morning party girl" he brushed a strand of hair out of my face. He was propped up on one elbow looking down at me. I looked around and recognized my surroundings as Mikes room. I was laying on his twin bed with Ad-Rock.

I looked back at Ad-Rock and smiled. I didn't remember much of last night and that's probably part of the reason I felt so strange, but I did remember how much fun I had.

"Last night was fun" I said and stretched my hands over my head.

"See? I told you it would be fun, didn't I?" He playfully punched me in the shoulder.

"Yeah ok you were right, I needed to loosen up. It felt good to finally have some fun" I wasn't even ashamed to admit it. I felt good, for the first time in a while and waking up next to Ad-Rock made it one hundred times better. But just then I remembered Adam.

I sat up quickly immediately feeling what I assumed was the hangover. It was a wave of nausea and a headache all at once. I winced in pain and rubbed my forehead.

"Woah, slow down there. What's the rush?" Ad-Rock was immediately sitting up with me.

I managed to take a quick look around the room. Good, we were alone. My headache sort of faded but I knew it would be back with some kind of loud noice or sudden movement.

"Where's my brother?" I asked in sort of a whisper. I was scared that even if I talked, the pain would come back.

"He's here, I don't know where though" I sighed and carefully laid back down. Ad-Rock did something I hadn't expected though. He put his hands on either side of my head and rested his knees between my thighs. His face was so close I felt his breath on my lips. My breath hitched and my heart pounded.

"Hey there" I said nervously.

"I've been wanting to do this for so long" he smiled as he brought his face closer to mine. He stopped there for a moment as if to tease me. I surprised myself when I rushed to fill the gap between our lips.

He was so warm and every time he moved a wave of happiness shot through every part of my body. There was a wanting... no a need for him to be closer. I wanted more.

His hands moved to my waist and my hands moved to the back of his neck. It was absolutely perfect.

"What the hell?" I heard a shout from the door way. I pulled away immediately, already knowing who it was before I even looked.

"Get the fuck off of my sister" Adam said and Ad-Rock slowly got off of me.

"Adam I wanted him to kiss me" I said as Adam stood in front of Ad-Rock, angrily staring him down. I felt my heart rate increase with every passing second that Adam looked like he was going to punch the boy I was falling for.

Adam looked at me then. His face looked hurt, betrayed.

"You told me you would stay away from him." He said angrily, though I knew how he really felt.

"I told you I would consider what you said but Adam I really like him. Can't you accept that? If I get hurt, it's on me" I said but Adams face didn't change. I was now standing by Ad-Rock.

"You know what? Fuck both of you! Don't talk to me! Let me figure this out on my own" and with that he was angrily making his way out of the room. He slammed the door behind him causing me to wince from the sudden burst of pain in my head.

"I'm sorry about him" I said to Ad-Rock, I didn't look at him. Ad-Rock hugged me.

"Don't be, He has every right to be mad at me. What I'm doing is against the guy code. I just can't help myself when it comes to you" I blushed and smiled.

"Really?" I asked looking up at him.

"Really" He said grabbing my face with his hands. He kissed me softly for a few seconds and pulled away. He smiled and rested his forehead on mine for a moment.

"What do you say we go get some breakfast?" He asked. I nodded. That actually sounded amazing right now.

I didn't realize I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday until I got in Ad-Rocks old truck. I found myself unable to care.

Adam would forgive me eventually. He had to and that's what I kept telling myself. But then there was the constant thought that if Ad-Rock and I got married would Adam come to the wedding? Would our kids have an uncle?

Of course Adam would come around at some point. Besides it was way to early for me to be thinking about stuff like that. Scary early in fact. I could admit I was falling for him. But being in high school, it was just way too early.

I examined at Ad-Rock as he drove. He looked content, comfortable, and happy. Very happy. He was smiling and tapping his steering wheel to the beat of the song that was playing. It was rap.

"What kind of music do you guys do?" I found myself asking without really realizing I was. I was curious, I never thought about it. Come to think of it, I don't even know what kind of music my brother likes.

Ad-Rock smiles, "Well we do punk mostly, but we're starting to get into rap. We do whatever the hell we want and we fucking love it. It makes us happy." He says. He looks really excited and I can tell he's serious about it.

"Good for you guys" I say and smile. I look out the window and listen to the rap music that is blaring out of the speakers of his car.

My Brothers' Best Friend (Beastie Boys)Where stories live. Discover now