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"Wait. Explain again the process of becoming a arch-angel. Please."

Gabriel sighed. "Not again! We went over this six times already. I told you everything."

"Please. Please. Please."

He groaned. "Fine. To become an arch-angel you have to possess a great amount of power. Such as this." He let off a brilliant light and then continued. "You also need to have at least one Angel parent. It doesn't matter who the other parent is as long as you have the angelic powers. "

"Okay. Keep going." I said, wanting to hear the rest.

"Alright. Arch-angels first came around when Jesus was born to protect him from the demons of Earth."

"Basically... Guardian Angels of the Son. Okay. Keep going."

"We did our job well, until..."

I was anxious to hear what was next. "Pleassssse tell me!"

He sighed. "Kay. After Lucifer had found a way to get to Jesus, he went on Earth and tried to get Jesus to follow him and bow down to him."

"The 40 day's in the wilderness." I mumbled.

"Good, you know. That means you know dear old Lucy tried to get Jesus to sin. After the third time he gave up."

"Okay. Didn't Jesus continue to teach?"

"He did but we were constantly protecting him."

"Um... what about the cross?"

"Strict orders not to intervene. All of the angels were under those orders."

I thought of another question and shot out, "Do you think any of the Romans had been possessed?"

He thought about it then answered. "It is a possibility." He stopped and said, "You really should get some sleep."

"Aww...No I don't want to."

"Now." he said with a tone I wasn't going to disobey.

I got up and messed up his hair. "Fine. I'll go to bed but there is no way I am going to sleep."

"Kay. That's fine with me."

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