-_New Friend_-

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Sun's POV:

I woke up rubbing my eyes then sat up yawning quietly. I look over seeing my digital clock saying its now 7:32 in the morning.

"Thats right... Its saturday the mall isnt open today..." I mumble... or well- more of grumbled since I had just woke up.

I hop up stretching doing a full back bend then standing up straight getting dressed in orange sweatpants with little suns on them and a black t-shirt. I hurriedly fix my hair doing some quick makeup then run out of my room only to run into something- or- SOMEONE I should say.

I panic and stand up quickly looking at this man for a moment. He seemed about 2-3 inches taller than me... and I'm 7'3. His hair is kind of a pale dark purple with dark blue. He had cute freckels and beautiful ruby red eyes.

I shake my head and walk over reaching my hand out to him...

Moon's POV:

I had gotton curious whats behind the door across mine. It has a sun on it like how mine has a moon. Heh... ironic right? My name happens to be moon after an incident and here I am. I cant tell if they planned this or not.

I walk closer to the door curiosity consuiming me and reach my hand out to grab the knob, but the door opened faster than I could process and somone had run into me almost just as quick.

I fall to the ground with a thud. Huffing getting ready to yell at whoever was there, after recovering, I looked to see a boy standing in front of me.

He's not much shorter than I am, and looked about the same age as well. His blonde hair was a bit messy but his sky blue eyes full of concern and worry were still visible. Those eyes... they held a childish glint to them.

I sigh inwardly calming down a bit and take his hand with him pulling me up.

No One's POV:

As Sun helps Moon to his feet fixing his hood gently for him then backs up smiling in a bit of a shy manor.

"Sorry about that new friend! I didnt know there was somone there..." Suns eyes wander searching for a security badge or a nametag not seeing either.

He tries to think if theres supposed to be a new worker or not. Surely they would have told him... right? "Oh no oh no what if they are an intruder?!?!" Sun thinks to himself as fear slowly takes over that smiling concern of his.

He backs up cautiously still keeping a small nervous smile on his face.

Moon however is just entirely confused on the change in demenor and rolls his eyes keeping his eyes locked to the ground.

"I'm Moon. The new daycare attendent. I just moved into that room..." He points over his shoulder to his door.

At that response Sun's eyes practically light up having that childish glint once again. He smiles widely like a child thats told they are going to get a puppy.

"REALLY?!? I didnt know I was going to have a partner! Im Sun, or sundrop, or Sunny!" He says enthusiasticly shaking his hands in what Moon can only guess is a happy stim.

Moons cheeks tinted pink as he blushed a little watching his new partner. Though he refuses to admit it to himself, he thought this was extremely cute.

He crosses his arms over his chest looking to the side having a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Yeah yeah..." He mumbles.

Sun calms down after a few seconds then run's to the edge of the balcony jumping off grabbing onto the cord that they use to get children down off playstructures safely. He lands upright on the plush matt perfectly then looks to the balcony.

"Come on friend! We'll be late for brekfast!" He says with a grin on his face. Moon chuckles a little taking this as the perfect chance to show off and jumps off...


These are pretty short yet they take forever to do whyyyy o(TヘTo)

Hope ya'll enjoyed this one though!

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