{~..Oh Boy..~}

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Sun's POV:

Thank goodness its sunday that means the malls closed-

I adjust myself so I'm abe to look at my partner propperly. Memories of last night hitting me like a buss causing me to frown.

"What could have caused my Moon to be so upset?" I ponder to myself as I gently trace his still swollen cheeks. The tear streaks were still visible making my heart ache.

As I rest my hand under his chin he wakes up looking right at me. ("Oh no bro")

No One's POV:

It doesnt take long for Moon to register how close in proximity their faces are. The hand delicately placed under his chin was certainly not helping.

Feeling a surge of energy he sits up quickly feeling his cheeks blazing. "What are you doing?" he manages to say in a raspy voice.

Sun on the other hand is mentally scolds himself at how creepy he must have seemed as he sits up apologizing profusely with heated cheeks and teary eyes.

"I- I'm sorry I didnt mean to wake you up I was just worried- ple-please dont be mad-"

Moon takes notice and pulls him over hugging him rubbing soothing circles onto his back to calm him down.

"Shhh its okay sunshine no need to worry." he says reassuringly.

After a short moment of sun calming down from that he sits up a little giving Moon a concerned look with a tint of curiosity.

"Moony- why were you so upset? What happened?" the blonde boy asks as the others expression just contorts from a calm one to a slightly destressed and pained one.

He looks to the side as his heart rate began to increase. "I dont want him to know and if he does- what would happen" he thinks to himself as anxiety takes over. He manages to look at his friend with a calm expression and a small smile.

"Nothing sunshine" he says but his eyes says it all. Sun tilts his head, his eyebrows furrowed with concern and concentration.

"Moon. Tell me what upset you." He says as his expression becomes more of a serious concern than a childish one.

Oh how could he tell sun? Thats right. He won't. He refuses to. So hes going to use the easy way.

"Why are you... so nice- to me?" he says glumly avoiding eye contact. " I'm a bad person. I dont deserve it..."

Sun was taken aback by this. What could he possibly mean by that? How could he ever say such a thing about himself.

"I'm nice to you... because I want to be. I'm nice to you because you deserve it. You may not be able to look at yourself in the mirror and see the you that I see. You see yourself as you were from all your mistakes and all your bad times. But if you could see the moon that I see then you would see a protective, smart, loyal, strong, caring, and kind man." Sun says with confidence and determination in each sylabol.

"A man that makes mistakes like a person should." He reaches up cupping Moon's cheek wiping a stray tear.

"And makes all the children happy when your around. Someone that makes me happy. Someone I call my best friend..."

Sun blushes a bit glancing to the side. "And someone I have come to love and adore-"

Oh boy... if Moon wasnt blushing before he sure is now. He had to take a moment to process his words.

Did... did Sun really like him back? No one has ever showed him this kind of affection before. Led alone said those words to him. He shakily brings his hands up becoming overwhelmed by these new feelings swarming inside of him.

He places his hands on Sun's shoulders and smiles genuinely with a cute blush on his face.

Sun couldnt help the stupid grin that overcame his features at his partners long awated smile to replace the frown of his before.

"Meet me at the front entrence of the mall in an hour." was all moon said before planting a kiss on the blond boys cheek then jumping up and speeding out of the room.

All sun could do was sit there a hand on his cheek and a shocked expression before grinning once more blushing madly.


This one was a challange to do but fun none the less!

If you have any ideas and/or suggestions feel free to comment them.( •̀ ω •́ )✧

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