+^An Odd Feeling^+

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No Ones POV:

Its been a little over a month now since Moon has arrived. Each day that goes by the two only get closer and closer as friends... yeah... friends...

Sun would be with the children when the lghts are on and when its naptime thats when Moon comes in. Sometimes on occasion Moon would join in on the kids games when the children so wished for him to be present.

Moon was very greatful when the children would make him something. He would put the childrens art for him in a box and go through them whenever he has a nightmare. It puts a small smile on his face and helps calm him down greatly if his emotions feel out of control.

Sun however hangs the childrens drawings all over the place... the walls, the ceiling, closet, dressers, drawers, even the hall. He tries his best to make sure all the childrens art gets a chance in the spotlight.

There are quite a few occasions when the children would ask Sun if he loves moon.

"Of course I do! Moony is my friend." He would reply with grin.

The children however... always find a way to twist things. Usually by teasing Sun about having a crush on Moon and all that. Though Sun wont say so directly he always shows his admiration and greatfulness to moon through puppet shows!

Little does he know though that Moon is always there for them. He enjoys watching his childish partner. Even elated when he would see sun blush at the mention of him. He usually keeps an eye on sun when its a very busy day. He helps when needed.

But one day something changed

Suns POV:

Ive been looking for moon everywhere. I havent seen him since the kids left yesterday... he was acting off...

I frown to myself becoming more anxious.

"What if he's mad at me? Is he going to leave? He cant leave! What if he's hurt? OH NO NO NO." I say aloud gripping my hair.

I let out a long breath continue in search for him calling out his name.

Moon's POV:

I sit in the janitors closet in a part of the gift shop looking up to the ceiling. I had gotton in here through a vent. I had done it again... my emotions got the best of me and now im here. Dry tears staining my reddened cheeks and a bruised hand from punching the wall.

"Why... why does he see the good in everything I do. I'm not a good person I dont deserve his kindness..."

I feel my throat tighten once more as I choke back a sob. New tears forming and cascading down my cheeks.

"Why Sun... why why WHY."

I start to sob quitly balling my hands into fists leaving slightly bleeding creasents in my skin as I cover my face.

"Your so good... I-I'm nothing like you... yet you already have my heart so easily like everyone else- I'm no different but you treat me like I'm the most important thing-"

My cries become louder to the point I can no longer speak.

But there was a voice loud enough for me to hear over my own sobbing.

I quickly cover my mouth trying to silence myself to an extent.

It was Sun... I stand up quickly trying to quiet my uneaven breathing and I lean against the door and listen.

"M-MOONY! PLEASE WHERE ARE YOU?!?" I hear him sob at the end of that sentence as I hear him say something in a scratchy voice that I couldnt quite undertand.

Oh... oh no... I made him worry- hes crying because of me god dammit its all my fault-

I open the door and walk out uncovering my mouth feeling my heart beating out of my chest.

My heart practically breaks at the sight that I see once I find him.

His hair was messy and he was shaking and crying like a child while holding a flashlight leaning against the wall.

He really worried that much over me-?

I cant help the small amount of happiness that bubbles inside of me to know he cares this much...

I take a step and he shines the flashlight at me accidentally blinding me for a moment then quickly drops it running over and hugging me tightly knocking us both to the ground from the force.

I process for a moment ignoring the pain in my tailbone then hug him back tightly as he basically clings onto me for dear life.

I couldnt help the tears that started to stream down my face and the incoming sobs from the hurricane of emotions.

Sun's POV:

Right as I heard Moon start crying it scared me. I looked to him and loosen my grip bringing my hands of to his face wiping his tears but they just kept coming.

He ducks his head down out of my grip hiding his face in my shoulder tightening his grip.

Oh gosh this is bad- my Moon is crying what do i do?!?

I wrap my arms around him once more in a tight embrace laying my head on his getting his hat wet from my own tears.

No One's POV:

After what felt like hours Moon calms down enough to lift his head up. Sun was quick to wipe away his dear friends remaining tears.

Moon looks at him for a moment his eyes watering over and he loosens his grip all the way.

Sun stands up helping his partner from the hard floor and lifts him up holding him as he would with a child. He keeps him close making his way back to the daycare.

Moon carefully wraps his arms loosely around Sun's neck. Usually he would try to get down or be flustered but hes too tired to try and use that kind of energy.

Sun makes it back up to the balcony going into Moons room and setting Moon on the bed carefully. He sits next to him feeling out of energy himself from the rough time.

Moon wraps his arms around Sun laying down pulling the man that captured his heart with him. He pulls the blanket over them both in a lazy manor.

Sun turns red and pulls him closer cuddling him at this point feeling releif wash over him that his dear friend is here with him and safe.

"Goodnight sunshine..." Moon mumbles before drifting off to sleep.

Sun grins at this feeling his face become hotter and nuzzles his head deeper into the crook of his neck in response drifting off to sleep not too long after.


This took.... a while lets just say. Anywho hope you dont hate the poorly done fluffy angst!


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