<>The Dark<>

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No one's POV:
Moon had started riding back to the pizza plex on the motorcycle with Sun holding onto him.

Sun had been wearing Moons jacket since it was cold. Which is expected since it's night and they are on a motorcycle of course...

By the time they make it back it's around 11:00 at night.

Moon carry's his boyfriend inside through the back and locks it up once more.

It was... strangely quite. Not a security bot or guard in sight. This had made Moon feel the need to keep his guard up.

Sun tightens his hold on his lover feeling anxious of the dark hall. He never liked the dark. Was always afraid of what could be in it. But this time Moon is here. So nothing bad should happen.... Right?

Moon's POV:
There's always at least some light or security but there was nothing at all. Just pitch black and silent.

I kept Sun close holding him with one arm ignoring the fact my arms getting tired.

I know Sun isn't the biggest fan of the dark. I could tell when he would tell the kids to keep the lights on.

I start making my way back to the daycare keeping my flashlight up.

Suddenly I heard a bang causing me to step back.

Sun had squirmed out of my grasp and he grabs a flashlight from his pocket turning it on. It was much brighter than my own that's for sure.

"Sunny what are you doing?" I whisper and he looks to me.

"I think the power must have gone out... it happens quite a lot actually so I'm going to check.." he says and I nod.

"Alright sunshine just- I'm coming with you." I say putting my phone back in my pocket and taking his hand in my own.

I can't risk him getting into possible danger.
I've heard of some of the bot's around here malfunctioning from what Monty had told me.

I feel him squeeze my hand then he smiles at me. "Alright Moony." He says and starts leading me to the electricity room.

Once we arrive Sun let's go of my hand and runs over to Chika hugging her tightly.

"Chika! Oh and Monty! Hi friends!" He says happily as I just cross my arms feeling... jealous. I didn't like him being too close to other people unless it's a kid.

As she hugs him back I huff then look to Monty trying to ignore them both rambling on about the power and what happened when they weren't in each others presence.

"So what happened?" I ask Monty and he looks at me.

"We ain't sure. But there's no use for us trying to fix it. The security bot's were shut off as well... and the security guards... well we aren't sure where they are so we assumed they left. We can try calling the electrician's tomorrow so for now I say let's just head to bed and sleep it off." He says seeming frustrated.

I nod. "Alright."

"See ya kid" he says as he walks off.

I sigh and cross my arms once more watching the other two in the room chatter away.

Sun's POV:
I wave to my friend Chika as she leaves back to her room, then I look at Moon. The light I have from the flashlight gives me a decent view of his expression.

He's... pouting? Oh my golly gosh HE IS!!!

I walk over to him suppressing grin and replacing it with a curious look.

"Something wrong Moony?" I say. He just looks at me and shakes his head.

"Not at all Sunshine." Oh That was a lie. I could tell easily.

I chuckle grinning up at him and pecking his nose which causes him to blush.

"If you say so~" I say playfully then grab the flashlight. I am NOT looking forward to heading back to the daycare through the dark.

Moon most likely sensed that because he smiled at me taking my hand squeezing it reassuringly.

He gives me a quick peck on the lips making my face heat up.

He leads me back to the daycare distracting me with kisses and jokes.

When we make it back I yawn. "It's quite late" I think to myself out loud.

"Well come on sunshine. I wouldn't want you to be tired in the morning." Moon says.

He lifts me up from behind catching my off guard then tosses me over his shoulder like I was nothing!

"I- HOW STRONG ARE YOU?!?!?" I say after the initial shock.

He just chuckles heading up to the balcony and into my room setting me on my bed.

He turns on my small sun lights around my room. Thank goodness they run off of battery's in times like these...

I get up and get dressed in the bathroom then sit on my bed once more.

He ends up tucking me in pecking my forehead making me giggle happily.

He smiles as I'm able to see the red tint grow across his cheeks.

"Nighty night sunbeam." He says then walks out of my room closing the door.

I smile to myself blushing madly thinking about the day and the time we had together.
"It was wonderful!!! I cant wait until tomorrow!" I think to myself as I start drifting off to sleep.

Alright!!! Finished this one friends. This took a while since chores so sorry if there are any errors. Have a nice day!!! :)

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