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"HOLY SHIT what the fuck was that?!" Soo-Jin yelled, dumbfounded as she ran behind Su-Hyeok who was pulling her with him. Every corner they took, there was those things everywhere. They were attacking students and teachers and running after people.

As the two ran on a bridge from one building to the next, Soo-Jin and Su-Hyeok ran past Nam-Ra. She was unaware of what was going as she didn't have any sort of reaction at all and instead of running for her life like everyone else, she was busy reading her study book.

"Nam-Ra.." Soo-Jin muttered to herself before turning back around and taking the lead and pulling Su-Hyeok along with her. "Nam-Ra!" She yelled and grabbed onto the girls hand, causing her to drop her book. Su-Hyeok quickly turned them all around once he saw a zombie coming towards them and the three continued to run away.

"Holy fuck..." Soo-Jin repeated to herself quietly as she made sure to keep a tight grip on Nam-Ra's hand and Su-Hyeok squeezing onto Soo-Jin's as they ran.

The trio ran up stairs to see if there was a class room empty but as they got to the top, they saw multiple zombies and heard even more screams. Su-Hyeok was fast to turn back around and pull the girls back down the stairs.

"Outside, come on." He nodded towards the door and quickly ran outside. Once they got out there, they took a moment to look around. Students pleading for their life as zombies took chunks out of their skin, and people running away from the dead that were starving.

Suddenly, a zombie latched itself onto Nam-Ra's arm, causing her to fall to the ground and the Choi girl let out a scream as she tried her best to keep the zombie away from her. Soo-Jin turned back alarmed and her eyes widened once she saw the sight. The brunette swiftly kicked the 'thing' off of her friend and pulled her back up.

As they continued running, Su-Hyeok caught sight of a ladder and quickly brought it over to a window, where the three were then going to climb up it and just pray for there to be someone in the class that wasn't a zombie.

Su-Hyeok went up first as the two girls stayed down at the bottom, watching to see if anything happened. He opened the window and was pulled inside. Soo-Jin bit down on her bottom lip anxiously.

Immediately after he had climbed inside, his face reappeared. "Soo-Jin! Nam-Ra! Hurry!" He called down to the two and Soo-Jin nodded. "Go. Quickly." She told Nam-Ra, who hesitantly began making her way up the ladder, not wanting to leave Soo-Jin on her own.

Once Nam-Ra was up and safe, Soo-Jin began her way up. As she was midway, she felt the ladder shake and she looked down, only to see a zombie trying to climb up it. Her eyes widened and she quickened her actions. Once she was by the window, Su-Hyeok pulled her in by holding onto her hand as the ladder was swiped away from under her feet and making sure she wouldn't get hurt jumping in.

"Are you okay?" Su-Hyeok worriedly asked as he scanned her over, making sure she wasn't hurt. Soo-Jin let out a quiet pant and nodded, reassuring the boy.

Su-Hyeok abruptly fell to the floor out of breath. Worry flashed through Soo-Jin's face as she took a step forward to make sure he was okay. "It's that, isn't it? Zombies."

Everyone looked at everyone in shock, but they new it was true. Unexpectedly, there was a bang on the door where Joon-Yeong was stood, holding onto it to make sure no one came in. The students all jumped in fear and a few gasps were heard as Joon-Yeong slid down the door to be out of sight from the zombie.

"Hey, Joon-Yeong! I think you're right! They can't open doors!" Gyeong-Su shouted as he was now holding onto the door while everyone else in the room tried to find a phone.

"Did you find one?"

"There's nothing here, either."

"Damn it."

"Any luck, Dae-Su?"

Soo-Jin unzipped a bag and took out the stuff from it and dropped it onto the floor in hopes of finding a mobile phone. "Find anything?" Su-Hyeok asked as he walked over to her.

She let out a sigh and shook her head. "Only broken pencils." The tall boy nodded and was going on to say something else but was stopped by I-Sak.

"Here!" She yelled, getting everyone's attention. "I found one!" They all rushed over to her and gathered around.

"Whose is it?"

"This is Yeong-Ju's desk... Shit, it's locked." I-Sak huffed after trying to open the phone. "Do something." Na-Yeon tapped her arm.

Lee Na-Yeon was once again the cause of Soo-Jin to roll her eyes. "Are you stupid or what? What do you expect her to do?" She snapped and Na-Yeon sent her a dirty look. "Maybe it's her birthday." Hyo-Ryeong suggested. "When is that?"

"I don't know.." I-Sak let out a sigh at her answer and glanced down at the phone. Soo-Jin looked over at the door and when she did, she saw Yeong-Ju snarling at them. "She's over there, ask her?" She jokingly said, pointing at the door, but she didn't expect Cheong-San to take the phone from I-Sak and rush over to Yeong-Ju and put the phone up to her face.

"For emergency calls, you don't have to do that." On-Jo informed him. "Just call 112." Cheong-San softly nodded before dialing the number.

Soo-Jin sat herself down on top of a desk as Cheong-San spoke to the officer. As she sat there, she couldn't help but think of Mi-Jin. Was she dead? Was she alive? She didn't know and Soo-Jin didn't like that. She hated not being able to know if her sister was living or one of the zombies.

A scream was what pulled Soo-Jin out of her thoughts. She quickly got up from sitting on the table and rushed over the the window to see into the corridor.

"Whoa, what's going on?"

"Where are they going?"

"Why are they leaving?"

Gyeong-Su opened the door slightly and poked his head out. "What are you doing, moron? Close it." Su-Hyeok pulled Gyeong-Su back into the room and shut the door again.

"And the police?" On-Jo asked Cheong-San. Soo-Jin turned away from the window to look back at the two. "He said they'll come."

"Did they believe you?" Gyeong-Su wondered. "What if they think it's a prank and decide not to come?"

"Well, then try again!" Na-Yeon ordered and Soo-Jin scoffed. "And tell them to hurry up!" Ji-Min, who was stood beside her, slightly nudged Na-Yeon. "Shh, stop yelling. What if those zombies come back?"

"Give me that." On-Jo said as she took the phone from Cheong-San. She walked over to the window as she dialed a number and then put the phone to her ear. "Hello sir, do you know the Captain Nam So-Ju from Rescue Team One?"

Soo-Jin let out a sigh and walked down towards the door to peak her head through the gap to see if anymore zombies were coming.

Another chapter should be coming soon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a great day/night <3

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