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Chapter Thirty:
"It's A Great Ass."
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SCOTT AND DEREK had taken off, that left Lydia, Allison and Stiles at his house. The three of them piled into Stiles' jeep and headed to the school, Allison needing to gef her car from the lot to take Lydia back home since she brought her that morning.

Allison wished she and Stiles good luck before she pulled Lydia along with her and walked to her vehicle. Then Annabeth and Stiles were getting ahold of Scott to see where he was... he told Stiles the address and the both of them were on their way.

What she didn't expect when Stiles parked at the address was for it to be a building that she recognized as a gay club Jungle, why the hell would the Kanima come to a gay club? Unless... Jackson had some explaining to do... she always knew there was something not straight about him. Considering she was bisexual herself, she had a knack for knowing these kind of things about people.

She follows Stiles as he walked towards the gate, she saw Scott nearby and they both rushed over to him, he jumped when he saw them. "Oh, my god!" He exclaimed as he breathed heavily, his hand on his chest to slow his heartbeat from the accidental scare.

"Sorry, Scotty." Annabeth said with a small chuckle falling from her lips. "You'd think with you being a werewolf with super hearing you would've heard us coming."

Scott pouted his lips, "The music inside is really loud, shut up."

"You see know where he went?" Stiles questioned him, his dark brown brows raised.

Scott shakes his head, heaving out a breath. "I lost him."

"What? You couldn't catch his scent?" Stiles asked him rapidly.

Scott looked over at them, "I don't think he has one."

Annabeth groaned, "Okay, so how do you find a supernatural creature with no scent?"

Scott shrugs helplessly, "I don't know."

"All right, well you have any clue where he's going?" Stiles asked him again.

Scott furrowed his brows at him, "To kill someone."

"Ah, right." Stiles uttered, Annabeth just pinched the bridge of her nose. "That explains the claws and the fangs. Makes perfect sense now." He replied to his best friend with his classic sarcastic tone, Scott gives him an annoyed glance once he finished his point. "What? Scott, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense."

"Guys, just help me find it." Scott instructed them.

"It" has a name, Scotty-boy."

"Yeah, and his name is Jackson." Stiles adds on to her point.

Scott sighs, "Yeah, I—I know that."

"The question is, does he know that?"

"Did anyone see him back at your house?" Stiles questioned.

"I mean Lydia was with him, but she obviously didn't see anything. Otherwise I guarantee she would be way more freaked out."

"So nobody saw him change..." Scott huffs, "He already passed Derek's test anyway."

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