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Chapter Fourty Five:
"Ice Bath Sessions."
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Allison was looking up symbols online that looked similar to the bruises on she and Lydia's wrist, she was also tracing the symbol down on a sheet of paper. The older Argent was sitting next to Lydia across from Allison, eyeing the new twins Ethan and Aiden with the strawberry blonde who she promised to help with finding a good distraction, Lydia turned to her, green emerald eyes sparkling as he gaze never left the twins across the room near the bookshelves.

"I want one." She said aloud.

Annabeth snickered, "Yes, that's plainly obvious."

Allison pauses her tracing and looks over her shoulder, then she turns back to face them with a giddy smile. "Which one?"

A scoff falls from Lydia's soft pink lips, "The straight one, obviously." She replied as she took a sip of her coffee.

Allison chuckles, "You can't just assume that one of them is gay, Lydia."

Annabeth smirks, "It's not an assumption."

She points for Allison to turn around again, one of the twins were eyeing Danny as he bumps into their classmate Nate, and of course Danny only bumped into him because he was eyeing the twin who was already shamelessly staring at him.

"Case and point, Alli. With twins there's always one that is straight and one that isn't." She crosses her arms, "I am quite literally living proof of that."

Allison's lips parted, "I— whatever." She shakes her head, a small smile on her lips as she goes back to tracing.

Annabeth grins and turns to Lydia, "Go get him, babe." The strawberry blonde gives her a confident smile, then she's up and making her way over to the twin who isn't speaking to Danny, currently.

Annabeth knows their names but she has no idea which is which, and she isn't gonna try to find out cause she'd just forget anyway. This reason exactly is why she is so glad she and Allison were not identical, she couldn't imagine people confusing her for Allison.

She grabbed her bag and stood up, "I gotta catch up with Stiles and Scott, but good luck figuring out what the bruises mean."

Allison shoots her a smile, "Thanks, see you at home."

Soon after their conversation ends Annabeth is walking out of the library and texting Stiles to see if there was anything going on after school today, because in their life... there was always something.

Anything on the supernatural schedule for today?

Stiles texted her back just seconds later as she walked down the hallway.

Yeah, something about Derek
He says he has a way for Isaac to remember what happened with Boyd and Erica
But he needs our help

Annabeth chewed on her bottom lip as she typed back her response.

Got it
Where are we headed to?

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