2 Trying To Impress You, Dumbass

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"Listen to me, you dumb fuck. I'm usually just annoyed at how stupid you are, but at the end of the day, it's your life. You know, why do I fucking care? But when you try messing with mine? Now we really have a problem."

Living with Stacy's roommate? Ha. Kevin had lost his mind. I spit on the ground behind the nightclub as he yapped on the other line.

"Sorry, man. I just didn't wanna leave you hangin' last minute with me moving out. You feel me? Plus, I feel so bad, bro. This girl has nowhere to go, man. She's literally homeless."

Oh. So Stacy was more of a cunt than I thought. I scoffed.

"Then you shouldn't move in until she finds a new place, should you? What the hell are you doing, man? Come on, this is embarrassing."

What was wrong with people nowadays? All they cared about was their own benefit. Then they wondered why they were so depressed.

"I can't." Kevin whined.

"Yeah, 'cause Stacy has you by the balls, doesn't she? If you even fucking have them." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Okay, listen. We're done here. Do me a favor? Don't come home tonight, alright? I might break your face and you just got engaged..."

I wasn't a total dickhead. Deep inside, Kevin was a good guy. He was just insanely dumb. Maybe he was dropped on his head or his mom smoked while pregnant, I don't know. But it didn't give him the right to be selfish and hurt others.

"Okay, no worries. I won't—"

I hung up and headed back to the bar. It was past midnight, so the space was cramped. Vicky smirked at me behind a tray of glasses, sticking her ass out as she served the VIP. On the right side of the bar were my regular patrons enjoying their whiskey, on the left was a bachelorette party apparently giggling for attention.

One or two of them were sort of hot, I guess. But was I down for those games tonight? No, thanks.

Sure, sometimes it was fun. But I wasn't in the mood for that shit: the ego stroking and fake talk. My cup was full after that wonderful phone call with Kevin. The last thing I needed was to be around a chick who would remind me of Stacy or the roommate I didn't even know she had.

An approaching girl with honey-brown locks sat next to the bachelorette party. At first, I thought she was one of them, but no. She just stayed on her phone like she wanted to go unnoticed.

When they laughed, she looked up at them and my eyebrows shot up. Well, well, well. She was actually pretty cute. She had a really petite face with small features. Small nose, small lips, small cheeks. Except she had these big eyes and long eyelashes, so when she blinked really fast, I had to look away to not burst out laughing. She looked like a God damn cartoon character.

As she focused her gaze back on her phone, I lowered mine to the rest of her body. She was in a sexy little white top and her breasts were a perfect handful. Her arms and shoulders were so delicate, like she needed protection.

She probably didn't, but it didn't stop me from thinking it. It also didn't stop me from thinking that if this girl had a boyfriend, he needed to be disciplined. Where was that idiot? Fuckers like me wouldn't hesitate to earn her attention.

"Can we get five tequila shots with salt and lime?" The tiara with 'fuck me' eyes asked.

"Sure, anything else?" I was already pouring it as I slid along a bowl of lime and salt. The lonely girl was still deep in her phone, but there was no way she couldn't hear us.

"Yeah, actually." The soon-to-be bride smirked. "Are you doing anything after work?"

Seriously? Do I look fucking interested to you?

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