8 Getting Along Too Well

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I rotated my shoulder to ease some of the pain. Another injury from work. Nothing new.

Sam and I were standing against a short wall in the parking lot. We spent the last couple of hours driving across town to buy a joint, then stopped by a grocery store for munchies. Now the sun was setting, and Sam was staring up at the tree on the other side of the wall.

"Oh! Check this out." She tapped the butt of the rabbit nightlight she put on the wall.

It glowed a pink light, then slowly turned purple to blue.

"Wait..." She took a long puff—enough to raise my eyebrows—then blew the smoke in the light's direction. "Isn't that cool?!"

I didn't have the heart to remind her I worked at a night club with actual strobe lights and smoke machines.

"Very cool." I smiled.

My shoulder pain stabbed again, so I stretched against the wall. Sam seemed spaced out somewhere around my chest, then snapped back when she caught me staring.

"Do you want a massage?" Her eyes widened with genuine concern.

"Nah. It's probably just a pinched nerve."

"Okay." She took it as a rejection, but it really wouldn't help. I've tried before.

"It's probably"—I hunched forward, pumping my fist over my cock—"from jerking off like this."

"Oh my God!" She shrieked with laughter behind her hand.

I ducked my head with a quiet chuckle.

The sky bled from cotton pink to cold blue as we passed the joint. The tree Sam was admiring earlier slowly became a dark silhouette. Funny how something so full of life suddenly could look so lifeless, all because of a small difference.

"You ever think about what you'd change?" I wondered.

"You mean like in the world? Or in myself?"

"I guess both."

"Hmm..." She looked aside in thought.

Her chest moved up and down with shallow breaths. She looked so soft, like she'd melt into the wall if I broke the distance and kissed her.

"In the world..." She bit her lip. "Mmm, honestly you might think it's stupid, but, I wish there would be more fairness."

She kicked the ground as if regretting the words.

"You know, like I wish people were kinder to each other?" she added. "I wish they cared more. I think it'd be much easier to live that way. Anyway, that's it for me. What about you?"

"What would I want to change in the world?" I took a deep breath.

What would make Luka happy? What would make my parents happy? Killing all the bad people? Making more money? None of that could reverse what had already happened.

"I guess, me too." I admitted. Fairness would've kept my parents home with us instead of running day and night to put food on the table. It would've kept Luka from losing his childhood.

"Okay, you go first for the second one," Sam said. "What would you change in yourself?"

"Umm, not my temper." I smirked. "Even though that's what most people would say."

"Temper is just a response from stress." She tilted her head as if she could see right through my jokes. "What would stop you from stressing so much?"

"Jerking off more."

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