19 Bittersweet Happiness

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Sam frowned at the light above the door as we stepped out to the patio. Of course. In the middle of a pitch black desert, that dusty bulb was her savior. Aside from the sand circling the house, the dark swallowed everything. There could be anything in front of us and we'd have no clue.

"Oooh, stars. Very pretty, very pretty." The dork looked up in an obvious rush. "I love the stars. They're so pretty! Thank you for showing me, thank you. Okay, let's go back inside—"

"Wait." I caught her hand, laughing at how much she hated being pulled closer. I lowered my mouth to her ear and whispered in a serial killer voice. "Are you ready to get murdered?"

She burst out a weak laugh, holding onto my t-shirt.

I held her in my arm and cupped her face. Kissed her slowly. She tasted like green apples, sour and sweet. I couldn't get enough of her. She let out a melting breath, like she was feeling the same. I pecked her once. Twice. Three times. She went along with it. I had to kiss her again and grope her a little. Squeeze that fine ass.

"Are you calm?" I asked against her lips and she nodded. "Good girl. Do you feel safe with me?"

"Of course," she said softly, a question mark in her gaze.

I kissed her forehead, slipping my palm under my hoodie she had on. My thumb caressed her low back.

"I want to show you something." I looked at her and slowly placed my other hand on the switch beside the door. The one in control of the light above our heads.

"No, no, no, no, no." Realization dawned on her and she tried to back away, but I didn't let. "Ashton, I can't. I can't! I swear. Please, don't force me—"

"Shh... baby, relax. I'm not forcing you anything. Shh, relax." I squeezed the back of her neck and gave her a firm kiss, hoping the physical pressure stabilized her.

Her pulse was beating wild under my fingers. Lips parted with shallow breaths. Eyes a-glaze at nothing. Definitely overthinking a thousand miles a minute.

"Look." I took her hand and put it next to the switch. So if she lifted her finger, she could turn it off and on. "You're in control, see? I want you show you something, baby. I want to show you something beautiful. Can you do that for me?"

"N-no." She teared up, yanking her hand back behind her. Angrily shook her head. "I can't."

"Not even for me? What about my promise to take you to stargazing?"

"We just stargazed—"

"What, this?" I looked up at the sky and chuckled. "This is nothing! You can't see the Milky Way like this. Have you ever seen the Milky Way?" She shook her head no. "You have to. Oh, it's so fucking beautiful. You'll love it."

"It'll be too dark." she whimpered, eyes begging not to do this. "I can't. I'm too scared. Please, don't make me, Ashton. I feel so bad. I don't want to, I know I'm missing out, but I can't. I just can't okay? I'm too..." She raised her voice. "I'm too messed up!"

I switched the lights off and on.

She gasped, froze, stared at me. "How could you do that?"

"Because I'm an asshole," I smirked, touching her nose with mine. "And I like freaking you out."


"And I like watching you cry." My smile stretched at the fear in her eyes. "I like how you become so small and helpless, but still let me do what I want. 'Cause you want to please me so bad. Hm?" I kissed her, not letting her have control. I spread my fingers on the back of her head and fisted her hair. The sound in her throat traveled to my cock. "Don't you want to please me?"

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