20 Stop. Trying. So. Hard.

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I was happy for my best friend. 

I was happy for my best friend. 

I was HAPPY for my. Best. Friend. 

A gigantic pink wall outside the sunny hotel advertised the Sephora party. Be You. It said in black calligraphy resembling an eyeliner. Gazillion balloons and flowers ornamented the backdrop, where laughing women fresh out of magazines signed the wall, posing for pictures.

"Let's get this over with." Cara opened the backseat door, stepping out with Luka. His burgundy velvet blazer matched her lipstick. 

"You ready, зайчик?" Ashton stroked his thumb over my hand. 

His spicy cologne oozed from the black button-down loose around his neck, completing the brown tangles on top of his head. Always so effortlessly confident. So perfect and content.

I nodded, swallowed, took a whiff of my pen. "To relax," I explained, curving my lips. 

Please, don't screw this up. Don't make this about yourself. Just be happy.

We approached the glass doors where a woman with an earpiece and an iPad awaited on a red carpet. 

"Hi..." Cara said awkwardly. "I was invited to⁠—"

"Your name?"


"Cara..." She tapped an acrylic French nail on the screen. "Hmmm... I don't see⁠—Are you that girl from Joshua Tree with the influ⁠—Ohhh you're Luka, aren't you? I died over your video! You guys are adorable. Here." She handed them wristbands and cards. "That's our WiFi and business info, please make sure to tag us in every post. Hashtag guides are on the columns inside and if you need to charge your phone, we have outlets by the lounge areas, okay? Have fun."

Cara scoffed, taping the wristband on. I cleared my throat as Ashton and I were next.

"Hi, we're guests. We came with Cara," I smiled. 

"Okay, sweetie. But you don't get a VIP package, is that okay?" 

"That's fine! I wasn't expecting⁠—"

"I'll give her my VIP package when we get home." Ashton winked at the woman, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Right, baby? We'll leave as soon as you're bored." 

I smiled like a blushing idiot. Smug at how offended the woman looked. 

"Your tag is showing," she said over my shoulder as we walked in. 


"What a bitch," Ash muttered behind me, tucking the piece of paper into my pink dress.

"No one saw, right?" I scanned the overdressed crowd in the marble-tiled lobby. 

Ashton kissed my temple and gently smacked my butt. "Who gives a fuck. You're the most beautiful girl here."

"Hi! Are you Cara?" A woman in a black apron with pockets full of makeup brushes approached. Cara nodded. "You get a complementary makeup and hair treatment, followed with a photoshoot and interview for our social media. Would you please follow me?"

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