13 Let's Calm You Down

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It had been 4 days since Ash and I had crossed the line. I wish I could say it was a mistake, but it didn't feel like it. Our Instagram pictures had become better, more natural, more free. Plus, a part of me was proud I'd let myself risk something. Being bold was new for me, and I kind of liked it.

Yeah, why couldn't I be the girl who had friends with benefits?

So it was no big deal that we were driving to meet his family in an hour. We'd chill, have fun, hang out with Luka and Cara. I'd be super duper cool as a pickle. No biggie.

I was in a pink A-line skirt that ended mid-thigh with a matching off-the-shoulder top. The painfully high price-tag tucked in the back, in worn-out sandals and drugstore lipstick that dried too quick. My hair was in a semi-acceptable bun I mimicked from YouTube. And of course, I had smoked a few puffs of weed to be normal, but made sure my eyes didn't look bloodshot.

Ashton on the driver's seat was dripping with masculine confidence. Sporting black dress pants with a leather belt and designer dress shoes. He looked so comfortable in his own skin. The sleeves of his button-down rolled up, flashing a silver watch and rings. His hair was styled back with a light product, but still looked soft enough to touch. And his cologne. Oh God, his cologne.

If Luka and Cara weren't in the back, I'd be so inclined to lean over and inhale him. But I'm glad they were. I didn't want Ashton to think I was so attached already. This was probably a casual thing for him. Having fun. That's how I had to keep it. Keep my heart distant from other things.

We rounded into the driveway of his parents house when the sun was setting down. The sky was a romantic pink and peach. Palm trees swayed around a white house with a black roof. On the green front yard with pink and white roses, their house looked rich and welcoming.

There was an outdoor bar area with a fireplace and a dining table. I pictured so many opportunities for Instagram, but the bubble of excitement died quickly when I saw the crowd.

I thought I looked bold before, but now...seeing around thirty guests in cocktail dresses and red-bottomed heels, hair and makeup professionally perfected, I felt like nothing more than a joke.

"Ready?" Ashton turned his car off.

"Mhm." I tried to smile.

At least Cara and Luka seemed unbothered. Cara with her black turtleneck and cargo pants that had chains layered on each hip. Luka with yellow nail polish with smiley faces on them, in a pink sweatshirt and a white collar. They stood out, but didn't mind at all. I was the only one afraid.

"Эй, привет котеночек!" Vlad approached, flashing a Cheshire cat grin. Aside from his blonde ponytail and tatted forearm, he was dressed in all black like Ashton. "Oh, Ashton you're here too? Happy birthday."

"Wow, thanks." Ash rolled his eyes, going in for a hug.

"Cara! Don't you look nice tonight." Art checked her out head-to-toe. He was the tallest one, maybe 6'5? Also dressed in all black. The skinniest one, but with a kind, almost fatherly smile.

"Piss off," Cara crossed her arms.

"Hey, what are these for?" Luka poked the metal chains on her hip.

She stared at him, quirking an eyebrow. "It's for a leash."

"Oh, cool! You have a dog?"

"Ashton, baby! Where've you been?" A middle-aged woman with a blonde blowout opened her arms, squeezing Ashton as he bent over. "Why are you so late? Everyone's waiting for you."

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