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My gaze drifts out the window, watching the rain glide down the glass in thin rivets.

I press my hand deeper into the cluster of ice in front of me, wincing. This time, Oliver chose a unique punishment. One that can be attributed to a domestic mishap, if anyone pries.

My eyes squeeze shut as images of me holding that hot poker with a tight grip while Oliver slowly counted to five flash through my mind.

The accompanying clatter of the hot iron as it hit the kitchen floor a moment later has haunted me all day.

"There's going to be a Noble joining us for this dinner here that you haven't met before."

I turn, looking toward Oliver. He leans against the kitchen counter, watching me swirl my swollen, red hand around the ice water.

"Who?" I mumble mindlessly.


I shudder. Just what I need. Another Noble.

Noble's used to frighten me. Unprecedented power flows through their veins, magic unrivalled by anyone else in this Territory. I've met a few now due to my husband's political position, and most have been kind and gentle. Nothing to be afraid of.

But meeting a new Noble is always frightening.

"The one who can summon spirits to life?" I ask in such a way that doesn't reveal my apprehension, or make it sound as though I'm privy to most of the rumours.

He doesn't like me knowing too much.

"It is only rumoured that he has done that. You have no reason to fear him," he says.

I pull my hand from the ice, resting it on a towel next to it.

"I suppose..."

Oliver approaches as I drape each edge of the towel over my hand, gritting my teeth against the pain.

I don't react as he braces his hands on the counter next to me, leaning down. "Don't so much as flinch in his presence. That level of disrespect will not be tolerated."

My head bows. "Of course."

His gaze assesses me for a long moment before he pulls away again. I release my held breath in a long, subtle exhale.

"He mostly communicates with them. He doesn't summon them," he mutters.

I don't care about Kastriv. My fear for him and his power does not amount to the fear I have for my husband. Noble's are not known to be unnecessarily cruel.

Oliver points out the window. "Would you look at that, they have arrived."

Raising my head, I watch three figures emerge from their transportation, heads bowed against the onslaught of rain. Each are tall, with broad figures and an ease about them that you only have when your power rivals all others.

Grabbing my lace glove, I carefully slide my hand into it, biting down on my lower lip at the pang of pain.

We entertain political figures in this Pack often, and it's my job to ensure their time here is beneficial for my husband.

Maintaining the ruse that Oliver and I are a happily married couple is essential to that goal.

Right as we enter the foyer, Oliver grabs my arm, yanking me to a stop.

"Remember our deal?" He murmurs into my ear.

I could recite this warning with no faults. He tells it to me each time someone important graces our home.

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