Chap.11 Sorry

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Elizabeth's P.O.V
After cleaning up my tears with my hand. I get up on my wobbly legs, due to my extreme blood loss, and hurry to the restroom. Stripping off all my clothes and abandoning the bloodied towel, I step into the shower and turn on the water. Letting it pound my back as my thoughts take over. What am I going to do? How could I do that to him?! Shaking my head to snap myself out of my thoughts as I look down at my arms. Which still had blood gushing out, but thankfully not as much as before.

Gathering my strength I tap into my water power and start moving the water from the shower to cover my clawed arms. As my arms start to tingle, I watch as my skin repaired itself leaving only faint pink lines. Finishing the rest of my shower I turn off the water. Lost in my dark thoughts I stepped out of the shower and got dressed. Planning on going to bed I head there until I notice the smell of the metallic blood. Sighing I grab a towel drown it in water and head to the front of the door and start scrubbing all the blood out, and once in a while using my water element to clean up some other parts of the rug. After I finished with that I climbed into the bed without another thought and close my eyes.

My eyes slowly flutter open. Groaning I remember everything from the other night and most of all the need to leave. Gathering myself and changing into some good "escaping" clothes that I found in the rooms closet. Apparently he'd been waiting for me and probably expecting that I would except him. Fat chance of that now. The only thing left was the challenge of escaping this place. I huffed out a breath as I pondered what to do. Well maybe the same way I left last time, no I remember feeling and hearing that there was an extra patrol 24/7 around the house. What about tunneling, ugh but I hate doing that. Every time I make an underground tunnel there's always gross stuff hanging around, literally. But it might be my only way out. Though I'm not sure I'm strong enough to make a tunnel until I'm out of his territory.

Sure my power actually increased and I'm guessing it's because of finding my mate, but I never really used my powers before and I know for one thing that everything that I have done is just barley what I am able to do. A knocking sound came from the door and my head immediately turned to the door. As he opened the door slowly, as if not to scare me, I took a defensive stance but then thought better of it and relaxed, slightly. Looking as innocent as possible I look at his grey eyes as they look deeply into my dark green ones.

"Hey" he says mildly, I simply nod my head and don't respond.

"Would you like anything to eat?", I look in surprise at him and slowly nod my head

"Ok I'll be back when it's ready" he turned his back to me and closed the door with a soft click.

Sadness enveloped me as I muttered out "sorry Gabe." I stand up, close my eyes and channel my power. I started to make a commotion outside a couple of miles away where I could feel a small little town, most likely where all of the pack members lived, and started shaking the ground of the town.

As I shook the buildings and homes I could smell the fear of the people. In the room I was grabbing the bed post as sweat dripped down my face from the concentration and use of my powers. Before I knew it a panicked Gabriel snapped me out of my trance as he barreled through the door, toke a quick glance at me and without any words shut the door and locked it. Outrage filled my whole being and I felt the bed set start to shake violently until a loud crack snapped me back to reality. Looking at the bed post I could see that in the middle was a big crack going down all the way along with a bunch of other cracks. The poor head of the bed looked like nothing but splinters coming out of it with a large angry slash. Taking deep breaths to calm down I stand up and walk over to the door and gather all the air around me and push the door with such a force that it breaks from the hinges. Walking over the door I head down the stairs into the kitchen. Opening the pantry I look for water bottles, spotting them almost immediately. In my haste I grab two knowing that it will be enough for my two day trip out of here. Heading over to the front door I notice a string backpack and grab it as well, better to carry it on my back then in my hands while on the run.

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