Chap.12 Death

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Thanatos (Young Master) P.O.V

I couldn't believe I finally had her in my sight. Joy and wonder filled me as I watched her escape from the front door of the mutts house. Her slim figure running desperately and purposely. I just couldn't believe it after all these years of watching from afar I now have her right there in front of me, so close yet so far.

After two hours I watched as she slowed down to rest, falling to the ground of the meadow in happiness. Now I could grab her and bring her to my Father and she will stay with me forever. Shoving my thoughts aside I start to move forward only to stop when she gets up and then picks up a flower looking at it in surprise, even moving her lips as if talking to it. I decide to continue following her. During the journey though, she would start saying random things out loud, like

'please be quiet Lily, your killing my ears.' I knew she wasn't talking to me so I continued to move quietly behind her, but now I know that she is intact with her powers.

Another hour later she presses her delicate back against a tree as she sits down to rest again. Taking the chance I slip behind her, my black metal armor staying quiet. Apparently though I was not quiet enough because she turns around and jumps up from her position settling into a defensive posture, panic written all over her face.

A couple seconds later she turns in the opposite direction that I was in and runs, only to be stopped by my hard chest plate. Her head slowly looks up at me with fearful green eyes, as I take in her features. Her dark brown hair flowing along her back in a ponytail, her small nose that some would call cute and her smooth olive looking skin. A green T-shirt that says "just do it", and black running pants with little bits and pieces of dirt.

"I found you" I said deeply, and this time I'm not letting you go, I thought stretching out my glove covered hands to grab her by the arms.

Snapping her out of her thoughts she struggles against my tight grip never managing to get free. The ground rumbles under my feet as I see the trees around us start to awaken. Well I guess she has more of a grip on her powers then me and my Father thought. Limbs reach out for us as they pull at me and try to separate us from each other, but I keep my grip on her not willing to let go as I swat them away with the flick of my hand. This is really starting to annoy me, I thought.

Then without warning one of the trees managed to grab me by my arms and it tried dragging me into the ground, making me let her go or else I would drag her down too. At my annoyance the other trees toke advantage of my distraction to attach themselves to my legs and torso, also trying to drag me down. Boredom settled down in my bones as I swiftly take out my sword, the edges were so sharp that it could end the life of any who dared get in my way, and it gleamed with a dark glow as I cut off one of the trees limbs. Continuing to hack off the other trees parts I barely hear the pleas and cries of the girl in the background as I take down each and every tree with one swift motion. Until I ended the last tree and with that last swing a cry rang through the forest. I turn around and approach her with her tear stained face and swollen red eyes.

"maybe you'll think better than to do a stupid stunt like that again" I said coldly.

Grabbing her again I drag her with no resistance over the "dead bodies" of the trees. A jerking motion stops me as I turn around to see that she yanked herself away from me.

"How could you! You'll pay for that, whoever you are!" She yells in my face

I laugh inwardly at her declaration. "And what are you gonna do about it? Send another bunch of your little guards and I'll do the same to them as I did the others" I say in a threatening voice.

"No" her face constricting in the horror of me killing her beloved plants again as I smile.

"Do that trick again and you'll find out" I laugh

Before I know it her delicate hand reaches out and slaps me across the face. Fury covering her beautiful features. Now it was my turn to be pissed as I grab her.

" your really annoying you know? Maybe I should end you like those puny trees" I hiss in her face as she flinches.

"I know Father wants you alive but if you keep this up I might just kill you"

She squirms in my hold a little. Deciding to loosen up my grip a bit to see what she would do. She bolts just like I had hoped and I get her back into my arms as I look at her desperate face.

"Goodnight princess" I say before I knock her out.

Her limp body falls into arms as I carry her bridal style. Stopping in front of an empty area I start to open a portal only to hear a soft crunch. Turning around with the speed of lightning, my sword out in front of me. Dark figures appear from the shadows of the forest, wolves surround me everywhere. A huge black wolf comes out to the front growling and baring his teeth. I know this mutt is the Alpha and the supposed "mate" of the girl I held in one of my arms.

"Well, hello there" I say in a snarky voice.

"Don't mind me I'm just taking a nice stroll" laughing I hold her closer not willing for anyone to try to take her from me.

The large wolf turns into a young man with black hair and grey eyes.

"Put her down" he growls

"And why should I give you something that's mine" I challenge

He snarls at me moving forward but stopping when I swipe at him with my sword.

"If you don't put her down you'll regret it" he says again.

Laughing I feel the portal I created opening. All the wolves oblivious to what I was about to do.

"You know I want to thank you. For years I couldn't touch her because my mother put a protective spell on everyplace she stayed, but when you kidnapped her, you broke that spell. She was as vulnerable as a baby, really you have my gratitude" I smile at his confused expression.

"As fun as this has all been, I'm behind schedule. So be grateful that you won't meet your death today, but soon you will, I'll make sure of it" I say stepping back into the dark portal closing around me.

The last thing I see is the poor mutt trying to catch me as I turn around and walk to the castle of Death. The tunnel that connects to the castle is a straight passage entirely black with white streaks as the tortured souls of Hell try and reach out from the wall. Walking down the passage, my armor makes soft clinking sounds. My sword back in its sheath I carry her in both of my arms as she sways back in forth as if in a rocking chair. Her soft breath puffing against my armor making a slight fog. One of the souls reach out with its ghostly fingers sensing life in the tunnel, I growl at it and it retreats back into the wall.

Coming to the end of the tunnel I exit as the tunnel closes behind me. Looking in front of me I see the castle not too far off . The lightning flashes through the sky illuminating the dark mid evil black castle with skeletons. Darkness hugs every corner of the world as souls move from one place to another screaming out their pain.

Entering through the door my boots make clicking sounds that echo throughout the house. Walking to one of the rooms that I know my Father's in. Knocking at the door I wait for an answer.

"Come in" says a ghostly voice

Opening the door I enter to see my Father gazing out the window. His short white hair, pale white face, and dead black eyes reflect on the window glass. Lightning flashes and just for a second a skeleton appears in his place. Standing straight, feet together, and face looking forward with no emotion I wait for him to acknowledge me.

"You brought her" he states

"Yes" I reply

"Good now our plan can begin" he turns around with a deadly smile and laughs.

My face twists into a sinister smile as I look down to my beautiful twin sister.

"Welcome home Liv"

Apparently my friend, she knows who she is, said I have to give credit to the artist of the amazing picture. :) so idk how that works but yeah I'm giving the internet thx and the artist for this pic.

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