Important details

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This is a show is book form. Each physical book is a collection like a volume, that I'm calling a season.
G1 NextGens was originally based on Fnaf and made into OCs and used in an old comic I used to do called Bite of '83
G2 Nexttgenns was with the original story of The Katalog, that now no longer exists ( it's still referenced to by some characters though, and is being re written for context reasons)

The NexttGenns Trilogy (TNGT) is Gen3.

Pronouncing Names

Traple Paluna is pronounced "TRA-pel  puh-LOO-nuh"

Pepper-Riia Cyy  is pronounced "Pepper- RYE-ah Sigh"

Circuit Zaaire is pronounced " Circuit  ZAIR"

Stygian Von Buton is pronounced " Stygian Von Bew-tin"

Mystic is pronounced "Miss-tick"

Preylah is pronounced "Prae-La"

Myschief is pronounced "Mischief"

Noir Incarnate is pronounced " Noir Incar-nate"

FreeFox is pronounced "Free-fox"

Cordinia is pronounced " Cordiinia"

Lotiis, the main planet is pronounced "Lotus"


(The metallic fleshy organisms are Cytronics. There are other types, but the main types we run into are from Senre Koma. (More on that later).

NexttGenns, is the main group of Cytronics we're introduced to. This refers to-

Pepper-Riia Cyy /Pepper

FreeFox Paluna / Traple

Circuit Zaaire

Stygian Von Buton

Sapphire Zaaire

Chaos Paluna

Myschief Zaaire

(Sometimes includes Lople, and Boxtrip; The Paluna siblings)

Lotii (Pronounced "Lot- E") Is the scientific name of every Cytronic on Lotiis. There are many different types of Lotii's, as previously stated. There are species that range from animals, such as a Fox, Foxrabbit, Rabbit, Ocelot, Coyote, Fennec fox and Wolf.

These are such animals that are also associated with the following Cytronics in order:

Circuit, Traple, Sylin, Stygian, Cy, Pepper and Genie.

But there are many more Nexttgenns that are not .. Normal Cytronics. These being some of the following-

Eemon- angel demon Cytronic

Daingel -demon angel Cytronic

Soldions- Minions of the irisquedor (Not to be confused with the royal guards or spies)

The NexttGenns Trilogy: Season 1: THE CORRUPTION SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now