Chapter 3 - Help is On the Way

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A/N - Thanks again to everyone who reads this story! You guys really make my day. ^.^

Disclaimer- I do not own Merlin.


Merlin's POV

I feel the uncomfortable wetness of blood on the side of my face. I try to move but can't. My body refuses to respond. I can't remember what happened. The last memory that came to mind was when I was setting up for the hunting trip. I was in the stables, attaching the last of the supplies to the horses. Then what happened? I attempt to open my eyes to but my eyelids keep closing on their own. Guess I won't be able to see for awhile. I feel cold stone underneath me. Defiantly not in the stables anymore. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain shoot through my skull. That's when I remember. I was attacked from behind. The first thought that came to my mind was Arthur. Oh no. If I was attacked then doesn't that mean someone has infiltrated Camelot? What if they mean to kill Arthur? I struggle to move but, once again, my body refuses to respond. Slowly, I drift back into a dreamless sleep.


I don't know how much time has past. Has it been a day? Maybe more? Despite managing to finally open my eyes, all I see is darkness. Pitch black darkness. I slowly sit up. Immediately my head begins to throb. I slump back down, waiting for my head to stop swimming before making another attempt to sit up. Eventually I manage to lean myself up against the wall, by then my eyes have adjusted to the dark as well. I examine the cell I'm in. It was small. It could hardly fit three people. Stone walls encased the sides while a large metal door blocking, what I assume, was the only exit. I got to my feet and stumbled towards the door. I lifted my palm, silently chanting a spell to break the door off its hinges. I waited. Nothing happened. I chanted the spell again. Nothing. I run my fingers down the door. Small markings were etched into the metal. Markings that repelled magic.


Arthur's POV

I climb onto my horse in the courtyard and wait impatiently for the other Knights of the Round Table to arrive. What's taking so long? We have to hurry and save Merlin! Who knows what's happening to him right now! I start to worry myself. What if he's in pain right now? What if he's already dead? I shake that thought out my head as soon as it enters. No. Merlin's not dead, he can't be. I know he's a lot stronger then he looks even though I would never admit it to his face. The Knights finally arrive and mount their horses. All sharing the same determined expression on their faces. I turn to look at my men. My loyal companions.

"We will save Merlin," I announce, "He is a dear friend to all of us and none of us, not even I, would be here today if it wasn't for him. We will bring him back...or die trying." The Knights all nodded in agreement. A smile spread across their faces as a fierce fire burned in their eyes. The determination to save a loyal friend.


A/N - Sorry, once again this chapter is quite short. ^^' I wasn't sure how to continue so I decided to just post what I had for now. Thanks for reading!

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