Chapter 5 - Arthur's Rage

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Merlin's POV

I hear the door slowly creep open. I swiftly extinguished the ball of light in my hand. Hopefully Arthur was close enough to find me. Morgana strides in, a wooden box in her hands. I scramble into a sitting position as she kneels down beside me.

"Do you know what this is Merlin?" She asks sweetly, lifting open the lid of the box to reveal a single onyx coloured snake. It flicks its forked tongue at me, I could feel it's beady eyes pierce my chest. Just from one look I could tell this snake was not a foe to be reckoned with. I shake my head in response to Morgana's question. She simply laughs.

"It's a Nathair. Harmless enough most of the time, but with a little persuasion it can cause a man pain beyond imagining." She brings the snake out of the box, whispering an enchantment towards the creature before bringing it to my neck. I shuffle back as far as I can go. My back hits the wall.

"I'll give you one last chance Merlin," Morgana purrs into my ear, "one more chance to tell me where Emrys is."

I spit in her face. "I will take it to my grave."

"Very well then."

I slam my eyes shut, bracing myself for the pain. I feel the Nathair's fangs sink into my neck. Immediately, pain shoots through my body. Nothing could describe the pain that pulsed throughout my body. I won't even try. All I could do was scream.


Arthur's POV

We had followed the orb of light for what felt like hours until, finally, it fizzled away. I glanced around, scanning the area. Were we close? That's when I saw a single tower looming in the distance. The setting sun casting an eerie glow on the crumbling structure. "We're heading towards that tower. Merlin might be in there," I said to my Knights as I turned my horse in the direction of the tower.


We arrived at the tower. The Knights and I hid in the trees, examining the guards outside. "Saxons. No doubt Morgana's behind this," I say, attempting to keep calm.

"How are we going to get in there? It seems well guarded," asked Leon.

"We-" I was interrupted by a piercing scream from within the castle. The guards turned in surprise, a confused look on their faces. That's when I leaped out from our hiding spot. My sword was already raised in the air. I didn't even realize I had taken it out. I heard Leon shout from behind me before he, and the rest of the Knights, charged in after me.

All I could feel was anger. It's fiery wrath burned a hole through my chest when I heard that scream. It was Merlin's. No doubt about that. I could recognize it anywhere. Nobody hurts Merlin. Nobody.


Merlin's POV

I desperately tried to keep myself from blacking out. I had to stay awake. I had to protect Arthur when he arrived.

The pain was unbearable. Every movement felt as though a thousand rusty nails were piercing me from all directions. I tried countless times to ignore the pain but it was far to much. Morgana wasn't joking about the pain.

"Are you ready to tell me yet Merlin?" Morgana questioned sternly. She was beginning to get frustrated.

"My answer will never change," I managed to respond. Even talking hurt.

Morgana sighed. She lifted the snake once again towards me. Before the Nathair reached my neck one of the Saxons burst through the open door. The tip of a blade protruded from his chest. As the man crumbled to the floor a figure came into view. I temporarily forgot the pain. My heart fluttered joyfully at the man that stood before me. Excalibur was held aloft in his hands while he glared daggers at his sister. It was Arthur. He had arrived.

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