Chapter 4 - Morgana

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Arthur's POV

We rode our horses in silence. Well everyone except for Gwaine. He never stopped talking once. As Gwaine began another one of his tavern stories I groaned in exasperation. I missed Merlin. I missed his goofy smile, his adorable laugh, I even missed all his useless banter. I would give anything to have Merlin back here with me right now. Judging by the faces of the rest of the Knights of the Round Table they did as well. Merlin's cheerfulness was always contagious.

We continued for another hour before Leon spoke up. "It's getting dark. We should make camp."

"No, we continue. Merlin could be in danger. I say we keep going." I respond rather angrily.

"Leon is right Sire. The horses need rest and searching in the dark will only make things more complicated. I say we rest and head out at first light," Elyan interjected.

"I guess you're right...set up camp."

We all dismounted our horses. Percival brought back firewood and soon we had a nice roaring fire where Leon was chosen to make, or at least attempt to make, an edible dinner. I sat down on a log that faced the fire, stretching my hands out to warm them up. Gwaine had finally stopped talking. The silence led me to think about Merlin once more. I felt guilt build up inside me. Merlin wouldn't be in this predicament if it weren't for me. Someone must have attacked him to get closer to me. I should have watched him more closely. I was worried about him. He was always on my mind ever since he disappeared. I was never this worried about anyone before, not even Gwen. What is wrong with me? Why do I care so much for a servant? I do consider him my best friend but then...why does my heart ache when he's not around? Why do I have the urge to kiss that stupid face when ever he smiles? Could it be possible that I...I that's a stupid thought. My thoughts were interrupted by Leon shouting, "Dinner is ready!"

We all head towards the pot of...stew, at least I think it's stew. I grab myself a bowl and fill it with the meal that Leon has made. I sit myself down on the log and take a hesitant bite of the food. It was...edible. Defiantly a lot worse then what Merlin could make. Merlin...oh how I wished it was his stew I was eating. He always knew my favourite. I stare down dejectedly at my food, not noticing Gwaine approach. "Now I know the foods bad but is it really bad enough to make a face like that?" He laughed and sat down beside me. "What's wrong princess? You worried about your damsel in distress?"

I stay silent. Not wanting to answer. Gwaine throws an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. "Don't worry Arthur. We will find Merlin. Besides he is a lot stronger then you think. You of all people should know that."

"I do Gwaine. It's just...I feel as though it was my fault he's in this situation. Whoever attacked him must have been aiming for me. Why else would they attack a useless manservant?"

"Arthur you couldn't have possibly known about that. The important thing is that we save him."

I stayed silent. I just wanted to be left alone. Thankfully Gwaine took the hint and left me to my own thoughts.


Merlin's POV

After multiple failed attempts at opening the door, I slumped down against the wall. What should I do? I can't use magic. I'm useless if I can't use my magic! Suddenly the door swings open, revealing the silhouette of a young women. She had long, wavy black hair and wore an equally dark dress. I would recognize those features anywhere. Morgana. Did she figure out I was Emrys?

"Nice to see you Merlin," she sneered, "hope you appreciate my gracious hospitality."

"What do you want Morgana."

"I want to know where Emrys is."

So she doesn't realize I'm Emrys. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "I don't know who you're talking about."

She shoved me towards the wall roughly. "Don't lie to me! You must know who and where he is! How else do you consistently thwart my plans."

I glare at her but remain silent. An evil smile spreads across Morgana's face. "Don't think anyone will come save you. Arthur will never find you, and without the key this cell is impenetrable. It repels magic, so not even the great Emrys will be able to break you out." She chuckles happily, turning around to leave. "You will tell me what I want Merlin. I will use whatever means necessary to find Emrys." With that she walks out of the cell, slamming the door shut behind her.

The moment the door closes I whisper a spell into the palm of my hand. If Morgana doesn't realize I have magic then that means... I open my palm hesitantly, a small flame dances across it. She didn't seal my magic, only made it impossible to break open the cell WITH magic. I smile triumphantly. Arthur will be able to find me, just with a little help.


Arthur's POV

I awoke to a faint light shinning brightly on my face. I turn to look for the source. A small white orb glowed in front of me. I leaped to my feet, pulling out my sword in the process. My sudden movement must have woken the other Knights as I saw them get to their feet as well. "What is that?" Asked Percival.

"I'm not sure," I reply, squinting at the strange orb. It seemed I've seen it somewhere before...thats when it clicked. When I had went to the get the Mortaeus flower the same orb had guided me out of the cave. "There is no need to worry. It's harmless. Break camp, we're following it," I said to the Knights as I sheathed my sword.

We broke camp and mounted our horses. We began to follow the light, hoping it would lead us in the right direction. It helped me save Merlin last time, maybe it will again but who's doing this? Who's the one creating this orb? It must be a sorcerer, no doubt about that, but why are they helping us? No that's not important right now. I need to save Merlin.

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