Chapter 6 - I Love Him

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Arthur's POV

Relief flooded my eyes when I burst into the room. Merlin was alive. I didn't see any physical injuries, aside from a small red mark on his neck. My slight happiness was short lived. That's when I saw the small snake coiled around Morgana's hand. I recognized it. It was the same snake that Elyan had described when he was tortured. A Nathair.

A new burst of rage blazed through my body. How dare she hurt Merlin?! I will never forgive her! Not for the rest of my life. I charged, not caring that I was attacking a high priestess with no plan and no back up. The other Knights had not caught up to me yet.

Morgana's eyes widened in surprise. Clearly she did not expect to see me. She managed to fling me back against the wall before I could land a hit. Excalibur flew from my hands, landing on the stone floor with a loud clatter. My head throbbed. I could feel blood run down the side of my head. The world seemed to spin in circles as I tried to ignore the thriving pain in my skull. Suddenly, I heard a shout come from Morgana.


Merlin's POV

I felt a grin spread across my face when I saw Arthur stand at the door. My heart hammered in my chest. Arthur's here. He came for me. I wanted to run up, throw my arms around him, and kiss that clotpole. What am I thinking? I can't kiss the king. No matter how handsome he looked every morning when he woke up shirtless. No! Stop it! He's the King of Camelot and you are his manservant. You can't go around having fantasies like that.

I managed to bring my attention back to the situation at hand. The two Pendragons glared at each other. Neither made a move. I saw Arthur glance toward me, then charge at his sister. She flung him back with a simple spell. I could tell he was dazed. I couldn't just sit here. I still have my destiny to fulfill. I need to protect Arthur.

I launched myself on Morgana. I tried my best to ignore the pain that erupted everywhere from my body. I tackled her to the floor, attempting to keep her attention on me while Arthur struggled out of his daze. Morgana shrieked in surprise. She must not have expected me to be able to move. She tossed me back into the cell. I hit the wall with an audible crack. My vision blurred. All I made out was a black shadow storming towards me. Anger evident from the red hue that covered it's face. She reached out and grabbed me by the neck, lifting me from the floor.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" she shouted, tightening her grip around my neck.

I felt my breath being cut off. I struggled to breath, clawing at Morgana's hands. Suddenly she screamed in pain. Her grip loosened, causing me to collapse onto the floor.


Arthur's POV

I yanked the blade that I had taken from the dead Saxon out of Morgana's chest. It's tip covered in blood. Morgana stumbled away from me. She gripped her chest as blood began to spill from the wound. She laughed. As if the wound didn't even faze her. That should have been a death blow.

"You can't kill me Arthur. No mortal blade can kill a high priestess," she chuckled, an victorious grin spread across her face. Suddenly, she turned around. Merlin stood behind her. Excalibur was in his hands, pointing directly at her heart.

"No, but a blade forged in a dragons breath can," exclaimed Merlin.

Morgana's eyes widened in terror. Her smile melting off her face as she saw the sword in his hand. She looked at Merlin. She looked scared. Scared of Merlin.

I could see her ask Merlin something, but I was too far away to hear.
Merlin didn't respond. He simply stared at her. Morgana looked even more terrified then before, as if her worst fear had become a reality. She lifted her hand up shakily, attempting to blast him away. Unfortunately for her, Merlin was faster. Before she uttered a single word Merlin drove the blade through her chest.

Morgana collapsed into his arms. Merlin set her down gently to the stone floor, shutting her eyes before standing back up.

He ran towards me, dropping the sword. He wrapped his arms around my neck, his face buried on my chest. I didn't realize how much I cared for him until that moment. How scared I was that I would never see him again. That I would never see that goofy smile ever again. How desperately I wanted him to be mine.

I love him.

That single thought echoed through my mind. I love Merlin. I love everything about him.

I cupped my hands on his cheeks, lifting his head up to look at me. He looked sad. A little fear showed in his eyes. I should have killed Morgana, not him. Merlin's to innocent to kill anyone. I felt guilty. I shouldn't have let him do it. I continued to stare into his eyes. Those bright blue eyes that enchanted me the moment I saw them. I leaned in, pressing our lips together. I kissed him tenderly. I was afraid he would push me away. That he would find me disgusting. He didn't. Instead, Merlin kissed back. My heart began to beat even faster then it already was. I didn't want the moment to end. I wanted to stay here forever. Merlin broke the kiss. He backed away slightly. A tint of red painted his cheeks. He looked adorable. I smiled and pulled him back into a hug.

That was where the other Knights found us, embracing each other in the cold cell. A dead Morgana at our feet.


A/N - Hope you guys liked the ending to this chapter! There will most likely be one more chapter before I end it.
I can't believe this is almost at one hundred reads! I never thought I would get that much! I love all of you! ^.^

Also Arthur thinks Merlin has never killed someone before since he doesn't know about Merlin's magic. That's why he thinks Merlin is just an innocent little idiot. 😊

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