Chapter 7 - Reveal

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Merlin's POV

I awoke in my chambers. A smile spread across my face the moment my eyes opened. Morgana was dead. Camelot was safe. Arthur was safe. The mere thought of Arthur caused me to blush uncontrollably. I couldn't believe what had happened yesterday. Arthur kissed me. Me! His manservant. What will happen between us? Oh no...what if he regrets it? What if he was just caught up in the moment? I begin to panic. I didn't want Arthur to hate me.

"Merlin!" I jolted at the sudden shout, "you're going to be late!"

"I'm up!" I shouted back.

I leaped out of bed, threw on my clothes, and rushed out of my room. I rushed pass Gaius but he stopped me before reaching the door. "Merlin," he held out a sandwich to me, "you're forgetting your breakfast."

I smiled, grabbing the sandwich before heading out the door.


I stood outside Arthur's room. I was feeling nervous about whether or not I should enter. I wanted to see Arthur. Yet, at the same time I was afraid to go in. What if he hates me now? I still my nerves, forcing myself to open the door. I stride in with one of my goofy smiles and set Arthur's breakfast on the table. I turn to see Arthur already out of bed. He was standing by the window. The sun shined beautifully over his body. I could feel the heat rising into my cheeks as I stared.

Arthur turned around. His face flustered when he saw me in the room. "Oh-um Merlin. You're here," he stammered. I saw a slight blush on his cheeks before he covered it with one of his hands.

"Yes I am here Sire. Good to see your eyes are working properly this morning," I reply with my usual cheerfulness.

"Don't call me Sire."

"Why not?"

"Because...because I don't like it. You're my friend Merlin. My best friend, you don't need to be so formal."

"A friend?" My smile faded a bit. Maybe I was hoping for too much.

"No. No, no, no, no that's NOT what I mean Merlin. I mean..." I see him hesitate, choosing his next words carefully. "I...I love you Merlin. I love you more then you think. I was devastated when you were gone. I couldn't think straight. Merlin I need you."

I look to the floor, a bright blush covering my face. I was stunned at what he just said. Arthur loves me. HE LOVES ME BACK! My heart almost burst from my chest. I looked back up at him. Arthur looked nervous. He wasn't sure how I would respond. I opened my mouth about to tell him that I loved him too before I stopped myself. What about my magic? He still doesn't know! If I want to be together with him I would eventually have to tell him. Should I wait till then? Or should I tell him now? My head began to spin. What should I do?

"Merlin?" I heard Arthur ask, worry evident in his voice, "are you alright? You look like your about to faint."

"I'm fine," I manage to respond, "Arthur?"


"Could I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"You said you loved me."

"Yes, and I would say it a hundred times more."

"Even though I'm a clumsy idiot?"

"I would love you no matter what."

"Even if I have magic?"


Arthur's POV

I froze at that statement. What sort of question was that? Was he serious? I examined his eyes. I could see the fear in them. I could see how nervous he was. How his small frame shook slightly when he asked the question. I just couldn't believe what he said. Merlin? With magic? Unbelievable. He couldn't get up the castle stairs without tripping.

I chuckled slightly. "Merlin what sort of joke is this?"

"I'm serious Arthur."

I stopped. I looked at him. I still couldn't believe it. It must have been clearly written on my face that I didn't. Merlin sighed and whispered into his cupped hands. When he opened them, a glowing blue butterfly emerged from his palm. It circled around the room, fluttering by without a care in the world. It was beautiful. Slowly, it vanished into a wisp of blue smoke. I stared at him, dumbfounded.

" have magic?"

"That's what I said wasn't it?" I could see his failed attempt to make a joke.

"That means you're a sorcerer?" Anger began to flow through my body.

"Well warlock is the correct term but yes."

"You lied to me? All this time! Why didn't you tell me? Was I not your friend?" I was practically shouting now. The anger, betrayal, and hurt all flowed out of me. I was furious. best friend...the person I love, was a sorcerer.

"I had to," he said, calmness in his voice, "I didn't want to put you in that position. To have you choose between me or your father."

"Then why did you practise magic in the first place? You knew the consequences! Why did you learn it? You know that magic is evil. That all it does is corrupt and kill."

I watched as Merlin's expression changed. His calmness was replaced with anger and disappointment.

"I did not learn magic Arthur. I was born with it. That's why I'm a warlock, not a sorcerer. I can't change who I am," he replied, attempting to hide all the emotion from his voice, "do you know what it's like Arthur? To be hated wherever you go. That no matter where you went you knew that no one would ever accept you. That you could never find a place you could truly call home. A place where people did not care who you were. I thought that Camelot would be that place for me. I thought I had finally found a home...I guess I was wrong."

With that Merlin turned and headed for the door. Once he reached the door, with his back to me, he spoke again, "Magic isn't evil Arthur. Magic is a weapon like any other. You do not blame a sword for the sins of its wielder nor do you praise a it for the wielders kindness. A weapon is a weapon. It will do good in the hands of some and evil in the hands of others."

He shut the door behind him. I could hear him sprint down the hall once the door was closed. I wanted to chase after him. I wanted to wrap him into my arms and tell him I was sorry, but I couldn't. I was still attempting to process everything that had happened. I slumped down onto the side of my bed. I held my head in my hands as I mulled over what just transpired. Merlin had magic. According to my father magic was evil, but after hearing Merlin, I began to doubt his words.


A/N - So I guess this won't be the last chapter. 😅 I'm not sure how many more there are but it is ending soon. Thanks again for reading!!!

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