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The cafe was a busy place filled with youngsters. Kabir felt a bit out of place amidst all the teenagers and college going students. He was early than their decided time.

He glanced at his watch and then at the entrance of the cafe. The same moment Meher entered.

Her eyes searched for him and a bright smile made it's way to her lips. She found him.

Kabir stood up from his seat and engulfed her in a hug. They didn't mind the pda because they missed each other terribly.

"I missed you so much." She mumbled as he kissed her forehead.

"You said something different on the phone but." He said with a chuckle.

"Come on, sit." He said and gestured her to sit.

She sat down and glanced at their surrounding. People were looking at them. Some with confusion, some with adoration but many were giving them a disgusted look. She could hear their murmurs as they judged them. Judged their relationship.

Kabir realized what was happening as he saw her face fall.

He glared at everyone who was looking at them and they were all back to their business.

Meher smiled seeing them cower away in fear. She knew how intimidating Kabir was. Even she felt intimidated by him many times.

They started talking to each other unaware of someone clicking their pictures.

In the evening everyone was chilling at the Sinha house.

Ridhi came downstairs and stood in front of Meher.

"Meher, where did you go after work today?" She asked her sister.

Meher was taken aback by her sudden question. She knew something was wrong.

"Um...nowhere." She said nervously.

Everyone was looking at them now.

"Really? Then what were you doing in this cafe with Kabir?" Ridhi showed her a picture on the phone. It was Kabir and Meher siting in the cafe. They were laughing and thankfully there was nothing romantic happening.

"Show me." Ramesh said and Ridhi showed him the picture while smirking at Meher.

"Meher, did you meet Kabir today?" He asked Meher, narrowing his eyes.

Meher didn't know what to say. She was scared of their reaction.

She nodded meekly and Ramesh stared at her with confusion.

"Not only Meher, I also met him today." Disha said, standing beside Meher.

Meher looked at Disha with shock. But she gave her an assuring smile.

"Actually, I and Meher together went to that cafe after work. We decided it on time. Coincidentally we met Kabir there. We all sat there for a while before coming home." Disha explained to everyone.

Ridhi was shocked to hear Disha defending Meher.

"Really? Then why are you not in this picture?" She asked with a dirty glare.

"I think this picture was clicked when I was in the washroom. But how did you get this picture? Were you stalking Meher?" Disha asked taking her aback.

Falguni gasped after hearing that and stared at Ridhi with fury.

"What...no. My friend gave me this picture. She saw Meher in the cafe and...she sent me.." Ridhi started lieing as she saw everyone suspecting her. She was defeated in her own game.

Indian Love Tales (Continued)Where stories live. Discover now