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There are reasons for Virat's behavior...you'll know it soon.

Kiara was burning with fever. Ever since she came back to the hotel from her encounter in the forest she was not feeling well.

Maybe it was because she was so scared and panicked that she had gotten high fever. Her body was aching with pain.

"Kia, Take this medicine. Teacher said that it will help to reduce the fever." Jia gave her the tablet and a glass of water.

Kiara swallowed it slowly and laid back on the bed. She was feeling guilty to have ruined her best friends trip.

The teacher entered their room with a knock and said, "Jia, Kiara we have to leave for the forest safari in 15 minutes. But seeing Kiara's health I don't think she will be able to make it."

The girls gave each other a glance.

"Ma'am we both will stay at the hotel for today. You all can enjoy." Jia said.

"What? No you will not stay back. I am okay now. You should go Jia." Kiara said quickly.

"Really? You are burning with fever Kia. Stop being stubborn." Jia said rolling her eyes.

"Jia I have taken the medicine and I am going to sleep now. So by the time I wake up, you'll be back. In that way you won't miss the fun. I don't want you to miss it for me." Kiara said the last part with guilt.

Jia sighed and held her hands.

"Kiara, How can I enjoy without you?"

The teacher spoke in between to grab their attention.
"Jia, Kiara is right. She will be fine because of the medicine and the hotel staff is here to check on her. You staying back will only make her feel bad."

Jia thought for a moment and nodded.

"Okay I'll come. But you promise to rest till then." She warned Kiara who weakly nodded.

They left leaving the girl alone.

Kiara soon fell asleep.

Hours later, She felt movement around her. Kiara tried to open her eyes but exhaustion and the effect of the medicines did not let her.

She felt a soft touch on her face, traveling to her neck.

With half opened eyes she could only see the outline of a figure leaned over her.

She tried to open her mouth but failed.

"Shhhh, sleep mate." A deep voice said and she was out like light.

The next time she woke up was because of Jiya shaking her.

Kiara felt like she had a dream. Everything was blurred in her memory like it never happened.

"How do you feel? Are you okay now?" Jiya asked worriedly after seeing her friend's state.

Kiara frowned at her.

"Why do you ask that? What happened to me?" She asked with confusion.

Jiya stared at her like she had grown two horns.

"What do you mean? You were so sick since last night. High fever, body pain, you were so drained. Do you not remember?"

Her words made panicked Kiara as she couldn't remember anything.

"I-I don't remember anything Jiya. Seriously I can't remember anything about last night. What exactly happened?" She asked with tears.

Jiya narrated her everything that had happened since the night.

Indian Love Tales (Continued)Where stories live. Discover now