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Kiara couldn't sleep that night. Jiya had slept already and so she was left alone.

She sat near the window, reading a book. It was midnight now and an eerie silence surrounded her. The only sound she could hear was the turning of the pages of her book.

A yawn escaped her mouth and she realized that sleep was finally here.

Closing the book, she sighed.

A startling howl echoed through the forest which shook her.

Kiara was bewildered. She was a bit scared after hearing that sound. She looked outside from the window but couldn't see anything clear.

Something about the howl told her that the owner of it was hurting. It was in pain.

A sudden pain erupted in her heart at the thought. Worry surrounded her thoughts as she heard it again.

It must be in pain.

Her mind was focused on the animal which was in pain.

The rules of the hotel flew out of her mind as she left her room.

She walked down the dark hallway towards the entrance of the hotel. Thankfully no staff was present to spot her.

As if not in her control, her hand twisted the door knob and opened it with a creek.

The cold air didn't make her flinch. She was gone far beyond that. Her body was moving on its own accord. Leading her towards the direction of the howl. Into the forest.

Her feet finally stopped.

The sight before her was astounding. In front, was a giant black wolf. A beautiful crescent mark on his forehead. His golden eyes glowed at her.

He was a few feet away from her but the pull was stronger.

This time, it was he who walked towards her.

Virat was waiting for his pack members when suddenly the most addicting scent met his nose.

He was allured by the smell, which pulled him towards itself.

He followed the scent only to stop in front of the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

Her long hairs swayed with the wind, her brown eyes glossy and big. She had the most perfect lips he had ever seen. She was glowing in the moonlight.

Virat was enchanted by her, lost in her eyes until his wolf whispered,


Virat knew it then and there that the gorgeous girl in front of him was none other than his mate. His mate.

He couldn't stop his paws from running towards her, stopping only inches away.

His sudden closeness somehow startled the girl. Breaking her trance.

Kiara's eyes widened as she came face to face with a giant wolf.

He was taller than her. She had to crane her neck a little to look at him. He was huge.

She was back to her senses and realized what was happening. She had walked right in front of a predator.

An ear shattering scream left her mouth making the wolf stumble.

She didn't waste any moment and ran away from him. Not knowing the way she came, she ran where her feet took.

It took a moment for him to realize that. But he didn't waste any further time and followed her. He loved to chase but his mate running away like this confused him. He wanted her close and not running away from him.

Indian Love Tales (Continued)Where stories live. Discover now