Chapter One - "Can I Help You?"

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How much can someone take until they shatter?

I sit down in the office chairs, the therapist waiting room smelling of plastic and cheese crackers. The clock on the wall ticks constantly, making the wait for the start of my session tedious. My mom couldn't have dropped me off a few minutes later at all, she had to get money for my "expensive internet bills." Picking up a magazine, the soft sound of a door opening and closing, followed by soft footsteps. They draw nearer and nearer, stopping when a boy about my age sits down next to me. He has medium length light brown hair, and muddy green eyes. I put down the magazine on my lap, and look at him as he scrolls down on his phone.

"Can I help you?" He stares at me with an annoyed expression. Backing away from him slightly, I breathe in and try and use some of the "socializing tips" that my therapist told be to use.

"Hey, I'm Bee." I tell him, awkwardly sticking out my hand for him to shake.

"I'm Jordan, nice to meet you, I guess." He grabs my hand with a warm one, gripping it firmly and subtly moving it up and down. "That your actual name?"

"No, but nobody calls me by my actual name. What brings you to the clinic?"

"Regular therapy stuff. What about you, miss Bee?"

"The same thing. Way to be vague, Jordan."

"Vague is my specialty," He said with a mischievous smile. "Who's your therapist?"

"Doctor Bahn. Who's yours?"

"She's usually mine too, but sometimes I have Walters."

"Isn't he the new elderly one? Sorta short and stout?" He nodded in response. "By the way, how long have you been going here? I haven't seen you around before."

"I've been here for a few months, I'm usually here on Wednesdays, so... You usually go on Thursdays?" Weird, I wonder what made him switch sessions.

"Yeah. You switched sessions because...?" The question causes him to swallow softly and bite his cheek. Taking in a breath and looking at me, he answers.

"Just... Personal reasons. Stuff happened." It seemed to stir a bad memory for him, or made him uncomfortable.

"Sorry if that made you sorta... Uncomfortable. I didn't mean to pry," I say, scratching the back of my my neck. He raises his eyebrows, looking surprised that I feel remorse to asking him.

"Oh, no no no no. Just a bit in my past that I'm not too fond of and that I don't like to think about too often. It's okay Bee, really."

"Phew! Okay. I hate making people feel bad," I sigh full of relief. I always need to apologize when I make people feel bad or hurt someone. Otherwise I feel really guilty.

"Yeah it's okay, I'm fine." He smiles at me, bumping his arm into mine. Stunned by the subtle touch, I sharply bring back my arm a few inches. The corners of Jordan's mouth turn down slightly, thinking I'm offended by him.

"Sorry, you just surprised me that's all," I tell him, poking him in the arm and causing him to jump to the side of his seat.

"I thought you thought I was hitting on you, scared me, Bee." I chuckle to myself, because I don't think I would mind if he hit on me right now. He was cute, funny, and was good natured from what I could tell. He made me happy, something not a lot of people did. I decide to take a risk.

"Well, maybe I wouldn't mind you were, Jordan," I smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear. I had never done this before, he really makes me act different... In a good way. Jordan opens his mouth to respond, but the familiar click of Doctor Ban's pen makes us look up to her, writing something down on a clipboard. She looks to me, gesturing for me to get up and follow her.

"Ready for our session, Bee?" She says with an amused smile.

"Uh, yeah. But can I just.. say bye I guess?" I ask, looking at Jordan.

"Sure. My office when you're done." She walks out the door she came from and down the hallway.

He puffs up his cheeks, exhaling loudly.

"So, see you later Bee?"

"Yeah. See you later, Jordan," I stick out my hand again to shake. His warm hand engulfs mine again and gives it a firm shake. When I reach the door, I turn around and give him a small wave before walking out. But then fast paced footsteps follow me and a hand grabs my shoulder.

"Wait, Bee. So I can talk to you apart from Wednesdays." I raise my eyebrow. "Give me your arm for a second." I stick it out for him and he writes a phone number on it with a pen he grabbed.

"Okay then? I have to get to the office now Jordan."

"Call me, Bee." We smile at each other, and I leave.

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