Chapter Seven - The Next Morning

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 I wake up the next day and am happy to see a sleeping and fluffy haired boy still peacefully sleeping, his arms snaked around my waist.

"Hey," I say with a small smile, "Wake up." He doesn't even say a word, just groans, shakes his head and squeezes me tighter against himself. Oh my god. He is such a cuddler. "Get up you lazy piece of-" Jordan decides to silence me by covering my mouth with his hand. Giggling, I lick his hand which he wipes on the bedspread. "Get up or I'll lick your face too."

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up." He throws off the covers and pulls me onto my feet.

"Wait, isn't it a Thursday? Don't you have to go to school?" I didn't have to because of the whole homeschooling thing.

"Shit. Can I use our laptop really quick?" Before I can reply, he grabs it from my desk in the corner of my room. "What's the password?" Sighing, I lean over his shoulder and unlock it. His fingers are sent flying across the keyboard as he goes to the local highschool's website.

"Phew, school's cancelled. Otherwise I'd be way late."

"So, you want microwave pancakes or toaster waffles?"

"I'll have to go for the pancakes. So much lighter and fluffier."

"Mkay. Get some plates from the first cabinet on the right, and syrup's in the pantry."

A few minutes later we're sitting at our small dinner table, quietly munching on minuscule pancakes coated in syrup.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask him with my mouth full.

"Nice. You?"

"Yeah. I had a nice and shirtless Jordan Troyer that cuddled me to keep me warm," I laugh, smirking at his blushing cheeks. "You don't seem like quite the cuddler."

"Well, I am. And I had a nice Bee to snuggle the entire night." It was clearly my turn to blush.

"Yeah, tell me about it. I was basically suffocating with you holding me for such a painfully long time."

"Oh shut up. You know you loved being held up against my chest, and feeling my breath and my arms around your middle."

"No, it was horrible. You probably touched my boob in the middle of the night."

"You probably enjoyed that too."

"Seriously? That would've been horrible!" I say, smacking his arm. But you can't deny that you enjoyed being in his arms, a voice in the back of my head admits. And I have to say that it's right.

"What're you thinking about Bee?" His words interrupt my trance away from reality.

"Oh, nothing. Just stuff."

We both finish our pancakes and I stick them on the stack of other plates, bowls, and silverware. I look out one of the windows in our living room, it's still pouring rain. Might as well find something to do, maybe even chores. Ugh.

"Jordan, do you feel like loading some of the dishes into the washer while I shower?" He mumbles a reply, sounding somewhat like a yes. "Okay, thank you." I walk into the small bathroom and strip while I turn on the shower, letting it steam up a bit and releasing my hair from my ponytail. Might as well shave my legs while I'm at it. I go in the shower, do the usual shampoo and conditioner deal, and quickly shave my armpits and legs. Sleek. I swiftly run from the bathroom to my room, avoiding getting caught by Jordan in only a towel. I lock the door behind me and sigh with relief. I hastily drop down my towel and put on a mismatched bra and panties, and throw on leggings and a t-shirt over them.

Jordan is lounged on the couch in front of the TV watching some good ol' Cartoon Network. I sit down next to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Hey. Have a nice and refreshing shower?" He asks.

"Yeah. You could call it that I guess. My legs are smooth now. I see the TV's up and running now."

"The wifi should be working too."

"Wanna actually go somewhere? I'm going insane being in the same place for so long."

"Bee. It's pouring rain outside."

"Thanks for stating the obvious, captain. We went to Walmart in the rain, we can go somewhere else in the rain."

"Still have only one pair of clothes."

"Shut up. You can have one of my oversized hoodies."

"Even if you do give me an oversized hoodie, it's hardcore raining and probably dangerous."

"True." This is gonna be a hella boring day.

The rain ends up clearing around lunch, earlier than expected according to the forecast yesterday.

"Since the rain is gone, can we go out to eat or something? I can probably use my car now."

"Um, sure. The roads might be slightly flooded but whatever. Can we get Panera?"

"Sure. Leggo."


hahhahaha sorry this is sorta a filler chapter

i just wanted to give you guys an update :p

the next few chapters are hopefully gonna be more exciting ._.

see y'all in the next chapter!


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