Chapter Twelve - Truth or Dare

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 Our car arrives second, having a wider range and more people. Stacy is already waiting in her lit from door, an eager smile on her face and dog pajama pants on.

"Hey guys! If you could all just take off your shoes and put them in this closet so the dogs don't get them, that'd be great. We're all in the basement playing table tennis, I believe."

We follow Stacy into her basement where we can hear soft screaming through the walls. Maddie and Parker are teamed up against Graser playing ping pong. By the looks of it, Graser just lost and is now screaming his usual 'Graser talk,' and chasing around Parker while Maddie watches from the side, giggling. There's a loud sigh from Stacy.

"Any of you up for a movie?" She turns around to ask us. We all shrug and nod, a movie sounds nice. "Okay, just put your stuff over there and sit down on the couch in front of the T.V."

I practically throw my bag into the aforementioned spot and run over to fling my body onto the couch. It's followed by Maddie sitting on the opposite side of the sofa, Parker sitting next to her, and Jordan next to me. Amber sits on Ryan's lap on the floor in front of Maddie, Will sits next to them, and Graser sits next to him, waiting for his girlfriend who is arranging our sleeping bags and stuff in the next room over. Stacy returns and picks out a film for us to watch, The Avengers.

"Yes!" Maddie exclaims, a huge grin on her face.

"What?" Will asks, looking up at her from the floor.

"She loves this movie," Jordan explains. Will just raises his eyebrows and nods.

Stacy once again gets up, this time to turn the lights off, and I stare forward at the screen, watching all the superheroes appear in the movie, fighting people and stuff. I start to relax, and rest my head on Jordan's shoulder, and he encloses my shoulders in his arm, and rests his head on top of mine. We stay like this for the remainder of the movie, until someone gets up to turn on the lights which makes us rush to get back to a normal state.

"Okay, get in a circle, let's play truth or dare!" Parker announces, a devilish grin on his face. Oh no. We sit in a circle, I next to Stacy and Maddie.

"I'll go first," Ryan suggests. "Graser, truth or dare?" He asks the boy, arms crossed and a smug smile plastered on his face.

"Truth. I'm a chicken."

"Have you kissed a girl other than Stacy?"

"Uh... Yeah. It was in middle school as a dare, so it didn't really count. My turn now, William Shakes. Truth or dare my man."

"Hm... I'll pick dare," He decides, confidently. Which was a mistake.

"Hold my hand for the next five minutes! C'mere Willy!" This causes Will to blush, and reluctantly crawl over to sit between Graser and Stacy.

"Maddie, truth or dare?"

"Dare as well. What embarrassing thing are you making me do?"

"Drink a shot of hot sauce."

"Where am I supposed to get hot sauce? Are you crazy?" She asks, a puzzled look on her face.

"We're in a house with a kitchen, duh. There's probably some upstairs, I'll get it." He stands up and brings Graser with him, because of the whole hand holding thing. They return with a shot glass and a bottle of Sriracha. Maddie just gulps and pours a generous amount of the sauce in the glass, pouring it down her throat and her face turning red. She leaps up and runs upstairs to get something that will tame the burn a bit, and when she's back she has the whole jug of milk at her side.

"Okay, Amber. Truth or dare." The redhead pauses thoughtfully, then requesting a truth.

"Why'd you quit the cheer team?" A random question, but she must have had some reason to ask it.

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