Chapter Six - To Bed

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Three Snapples, one and a half bags of chips and a few hours of non-cable TV watching, we're just about beat after all the stuff we did today and getting ready to sleep. In the same bed. At the same time. I don't even know why I got myself into this. I mean, in the span of one day we've met, stolen a shopping cart together, and maybe accidentally kissed? If that doesn't scream commitment then I don't know what does. I basically throw on a random black tank top and some cheer shorts. I'm not even a cheerleader, I probably just bought them some time ago at a sports authority or whatever. And Jordan unfortunately (possibly fortunately?) is staying true to his word of sleeping in his boxers. I'm sitting criss-crossed and a shirtless Jordan suddenly just trust falls onto my bed, snickering and my immense blush afterward.
"You couldn't wear a shirt?" I pester him with.
"Nope. Why, is this distracting, Bee? Am I too hot for your comfort?" He teases me like this repeatedly, poking me in the arm and wiggling his eyebrows.
"No, what do you think I am, a perv?" I smack him on the arm.
"Maybe. You're clearly distracted by my lack of clothes." That line causes me to break my poker face and roll over and laugh into my pillow. I look up and face the shirtless boy who obviously finds great entertainment in my breathless state, and starts to tickle me. Great.
So I squirm and try and try to smack and bat away his hands, messing up my bun and rolling around on the bed, progressively inching closer and closer towards his side of the bed.
"Stop! St- Stop! I'm gonna either punch you in the face or pee!" Let's just say he stopped after that. And I have a change to get revenge, and poke him many times in the stomach. He instantly kicks me in the shin.
"Um, OW?!" I hiss through my teeth as I sit up and cradle my leg. Jordan quickly scoots to where I'm sitting down and protectively slings his arm over my shoulders.
"Crap, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Need a kiss in the hurt area?" Of course he makes a joke and brings me up in my time of shin pain.
"You wish."
Being the "rebel" that he is, Jordan actually leans down and kisses my shin. It's a good thing I shaved yesterday, or else I'm pretty sure he'd be mildly or very repulsed at me. I roll my eyes at him. He just smirks and says:
"You're welcome babe." No. Jordan. Stop. I'm going to die of extreme blushing.
"Oh, go and get under the covers you goof."
"Only if you turn off the lights first." Sighing, I get up and flick the switch to the "off" setting, and turn on a bedside lamp.
"Happy now, you big baby?" I ask him, only getting another clever reply.
"Yes, but you forgot to take off the 'Y'." He just sits there and smirks, earning an eye roll and curse words uttered under my breath.
"You're such a pain, did you know that? An absolute pain in the ass."
"Yes. Anal."
"Jordan!" I twist to turn off the lamp just as more thunder sounds outside our apartment window, making me flinch and recede back into my ball like form. A lot like a scared roly-poly.
"Bee, you okay?"
"Um, yeah. Just a little afraid of the thunder and/or lighting."
"C'mere." Jordan pulls me closer to him against his chest,
I like the warmth of his embrace, listening to the drum of rain outside and his small breaths against my neck. It's a bit strange how we're basically spooning/cuddling after one day, but y'know, he technically did give me dinner and a movie. And I like this weird sort of relationship we have. Not lovers, not friends. Not friends with benefits either. We're just... us. Jordan and Bee, who accidentally kiss and cuddle but can still make perverted jokes and steal shopping carts together. And it's not the usual idea of a home, or belonging, but its perfect for me. Two therapy nerds together, where they should be.
I snuggle in closer to the warm body pressed against my back, who clutches me tighter and buries his head in the crook on my neck. I pull the blankets up closer to my jawline and I feel warm, not just on the outside because of the boy I have cuddling me like a stuffed toy. My heart radiates with warmth and adoration for this boy who has given me a home.
"Jordan, what's your last name?" I say, turning and facing his half-asleep face,
"Troyer. Jordan Troyer."
I like Jordan Troyer. I have a crush on Jordan.
And even though I'm pretty sure I didn't say that out loud, I can practically hear him smiling behind me.

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