Chapter 1

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You were spinning, lost in an endless sea of vibrant blue and electric buzzing. You felt weightless as if you were suspended in a cloud. Specifically a cloud that spun at a vomit inducing rate.

Your arms floated before you, trying desperately to grasp on to anything. The air felt thick as it coated your lungs and threatened to choke you. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that when you opened them again you'd find yourself with your feet firmly planted on the ground and the world at a standstill. You had no such luck.

You didn't remember how you got here, or anything from before you were stuck in this blue whirlpool of colour, but you had a feeling this was not your doing. You didn't know how long you were spinning for, lost in that endless sea of colour, wondering when the fog in your brain would cease as you held in the contents of your stomach. It wasn't until you slowly stopped spinning, images of people who seemed vaguely familiar to you flashed before your eyes. A girl with vibrant pink hair wields a large gauntlet on her fist, her face contorted in anger as she screamed and punched a woman with a metal arm at full force. The outline of a man falling from his seat in front of an angry-looking, spikey orb that paralyzes you with fear. You saw brief flashes of what you thought were tiny green bombs exploding, and a metal building with a glowing eye at the top come crashing to the ground. You couldn't put your finger on it but you felt like you'd seen these images before. You did not have time to think any further as somewhere in the distance you heard a soft voice call to you.

"Go forth my child, my shooting star, heal their wounds, save them from demise, for only you have the key to the future, only you can stop the destruction before it is too late."

You didn't recognize the voice, but its soft melody lulled you into a moment's peace before your eyes caught sight of a bright white light below. It started small, but as you began falling and spinning again it got bigger and bigger until it enveloped you whole, spitting you out so fast that your surroundings turned into a blur.

You worried that this would be the end for you, you are going too fast, as soon as you hit something you'd be no more than a splat on the wall. But to your surprise, the room you were shot into slowed you down, a similar weightless feeling surrounding you to that of the blue void. However, it was not strong enough to fully stop your momentum and your back hit something solid, your head whipping back with a sickening crack as your skull connected with the structure. You let out a cry as your vision faded, only barely able to make out two figures hovering in the air above you.

"What was that?" One of them exclaimed.

"Obviously a girl, Jayce." The other retorted, a Slavic type accent to his voice. If you hadn't gone numb to the world, your vision now black and your hearing fading you think you would have laughed at the deadpan joke. The last thing you felt was a hand around your wrist, pulling you towards someone you could have sworn you recognized.


Your head pounded and you let out a low groan. It was like someone had taken a baseball bat to your skull and knocked your brain around a few times. It felt like you were in your bed, but you didn't want to open your eyes to look around. You could see light shining from behind your eyelids and knew that it would only make the pain worse if you had to stare into it. You lifted your arm to cover your face, hoping to shield your poor throbbing skull from the damage of your room light, but you were surprised when you found your arm appeared to be attached to something. You could feel pricks on the crook of your elbow, attached to what you thought were wires snaking up beside your arm. Your eyes flew open in panic, you knew what those were, they were IV tubes.

You hissed when the bright white light above you shone directly into your dilated pupils, turning your head to the side and squinting to try to avoid the brunt of it. From your position you could see that you were indeed on a bed, except this bed wasn't yours. It was stark white, only just wide enough for you to comfortably lay in. There was a single, thin, white sheet covering your body and an empty chair positioned beside you. The walls were the same colour as the bed, the fluorescent lights above making it appear even more sterile. As your eyes adjusted you noticed the sound of a rhythmic beeping coming from your other side. When you looked over your earlier thought was confirmed, you did have an IV drip hooked up to your arm. Standing beside the IV bag was a heart monitor, the beeping speeding up as you started to panic.

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