Chapter 12

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Viktor was released from the hospital early the next morning, you'd stayed with him, he hadn't asked you to leave and you had nowhere else you wanted to be. When he was free from the hospital he'd asked for a moment alone to clear his head, so you'd parted ways, promising to meet him back at the lab when he was ready.

You headed back home, feeling gross from the time in the hospital, a smattering of Viktor's blood on the thighs of your pants. You spent the morning cleaning yourself up, scrubbing your skin until it was raw. It still felt like you were barely containing the extra magic that bubbled in your veins. You drowned out the world around you, standing with your face under the steady stream of water flowing out of the showerhead. The urge to use your magic was strong, though you were sure that you could get used to it, you could control it, you just needed more time. You'd managed two Gemstones with great success, adding a third shouldn't be that difficult... Hopefully.

Once you'd gotten dressed and ready to go you decided to stop by the cafeteria to pick up some food, you doubted that Viktor had stopped to eat and you were starving.

When you arrived at the lab, snacks in hand, Sky wasn't there, but Viktor and Jayce stood together, staring at a chalkboard full of sketches and equations.

Jayce had his hand on Viktor's back, "I'll have Sky bring Heimerdinger, he might know something that can help, in the meantime, we'll do what we do best."

"As long as you remember to eat," You said from your spot in the doorway, Jayce's eyes lighting up when he saw the food you were carrying.

"You're the best, Mila." He said, gratefully taking his share from you.

You smirked, "I know."

You went to where Viktor stood, leaving Jayce to have a private moment alone with his sandwich. You placed one in Viktor's hands, giving him your best 'you better eat or I'll shove it down your throat' look. He seemed to get the message and unwrapped it, taking a few bites before picking up a piece of chalk and continuing with more equations you didn't understand.

You'd been avoiding looking at the Hexcore since you walked in, but it drew your gaze like a magnet. The Hexcore was... different. Physically it appeared the same, minus the dead plant sitting on top of it, but there was a feeling deep in your bones that something was wrong. Instead of white noise you heard intermingled whispering, unable to make out what they were saying. It made your skin crawl and your heart beat fast with fear. You wanted to run as far away as you could, but you refused to let it win.

You shook your head, ridding yourself of the bothersome noise and sitting down as far away from it as possible. You felt antsy like there was too much energy inside you that was dying to get out. When you'd been using your magic with Viktor you'd felt relatively calm, but now it felt trapped inside you, pushing for a way out. You took some deep breaths, calming yourself as you felt your anxiety increase. You needed to stay away from strong emotions, the last thing you needed was a destructive magical outburst. You didn't regret grabbing that third Gemstone, you'd needed it to get Viktor to the hospital, but you weren't super thrilled about the consequences.

When Heimerdinger arrived, trotting into the lab, his face fell when he saw the Hexcore, his ears drooping. You stayed in your spot on the other side of the room, observing their conversation.

"What is that?" Heimerdinger asked apprehensively.

"I'm calling it, the Hexcore," Viktor explained, "It's an adaptive rune matrix. Hextech that evolves."

Heimerdinger's pet cooed, hiding behind his owner's legs. You really should ask what kind of animal that was, you'd been calling it a horned fluffball in your head. You were sure there had to be a proper name for it.

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