Chapter 14

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Warnings - Description of serious injuries
I apologize in advance, also I based this chapter off of The Night We Met by Lord Huron

When you woke up you were alone in your bed, Sky's urn and notebook were nowhere in sight. Your sleep had been restless, although it was well into the next day, you had slept for a long time. Your body had been exhausted and took its time to recover.

You replayed the events of the night before over and over again in your head. If only you'd been quicker or stronger you think you could have saved your friend. If you'd risked losing control to the power of your magic, you could have stopped Sky's death. You had been so worried about losing yourself that you hadn't considered that you'd lose a friend instead. Viktor's death was slow, if you needed to you could risk it at the last minute. There was no doubt in your mind that you would do that for him, but it wasn't the same with Sky, she hadn't had that luxury. If you could go back you would absorb the Hexcore before it absorbed her, even if it tore you apart, you would do it for her.

It still didn't feel real, that Sky was gone. You kept expecting to hear her voice, her bubbly laugh, but all you heard was the cold empty silence of the room around you.

You got out of bed, swinging your feet over the side. You grabbed a pair of casual clothes that were tossed over your nightstand and started to dress. You figured you'd head to the lab, you might find Viktor there.

You weren't hungry, the images of Sky's death seared into your brain, chasing away any thoughts of eating. You were dismayed when you arrived at the lab to find it empty. With nothing better to do, you started to clean, organizing all the papers that had flown around the lab yesterday, and giving the orb a wide berth. It spit and crackled at you, warning you to keep your distance. You decided to listen this time.

You hadn't thought about your homeworld in a while, but as you worked you found yourself wondering what your life would have been like had you remembered your past. Why had you been the one to come here? It seems you'd done little good so far. That ethereal voice had said that you had the knowledge to save them, you just didn't know how to unlock it.

It appeared that when you gained more magic you had more visions, though they hadn't exactly been useful so far. You looked towards a spare Gemstone, you wonder how many it would take to unlock more visions, maybe ones you could even use.

Frustration swirled in your chest, why couldn't you just remember something useful for once in your Goddamn life? Why did you have to stand by and watch the people you care about die? Was there nothing you could do that didn't risk the safety of everyone in Piltover?

It was then that it hit you, like a stone sinking in your gut; a memory, one from your world. You didn't fully understand it, it was patchy at best, most of the space you could see was fuzzy, with no distinguishable details to tell you where you were. That didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was what was on the screen in front of you. Jayce and Viktor were in the Council room, you couldn't hear what they were saying, but it looked serious. Though that wasn't what made your chest trill in panic. Chilling you to your core was a huge Hextech bomb flying towards them, shattering the glass window as Councillor Medarda glanced over her shoulder, her gold plating sparkling.

You didn't have time to think about why or how you had seen this. To your horror, along with the memory came the knowledge that this event was going to happen today and very soon.

You were about to race out of the lab when you realized that you were not strong enough to stop a bomb. If you got there with enough time then you'd be able to get everyone out safely, but if you weren't... You couldn't take that chance.

You grabbed a small pouch, careful to not make physical contact, you deposited three Gemstones into it.

You ran as quickly as your feet could carry you, channeling your magic to boost your speed. You looked out the windows as you ran, no bomb in the sky that you could see, but once it was shot there would only be a few seconds before you lost what remained of the people you cared about.

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