Chapter 9:: Queen

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Author's POV || In The King's Palace 

"What? Kissed who?! DOES HE EVEN HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT HE HAS DONE?!" The King roared silencing the entire Palace.
"Your Highness, he's just a kid. And- kissing her won't do anything bad, right..? Please calm down." One of the vampires sitting on the chair spoke as the King scoffed saying, "I've been enough patient with him. He disobeyed us and tried to leave this Kingdom and I still showed him mercy and sent him to the forest for him to repent and come back. But he not only mixed with a human girl but- WHAT? K-KISSED HER? How long should I SHOW MY PATIENCE?!" 

"Your Highness... you cannot force him anymore. When he turns 20, he has to go through the ritual so he can take over the throne after your reign ends. But it seems like... he chose his destiny himself! A vampire's first love is not anything to be taken lightly. The girl seems to be very precious to him. And as you already know, when a vampire's heart is completely taken over by someone, whether it be a human girl or a vampire, there's not much time left till he marks his lover. And once that is done... even if a million years pass by, no one will be able to take the throne of the Vampire King. So we need to be fast. Rather than punishing him any further, we should do something about the root of all problems. We should use the girl to make him take over the throne himself." Albert spoke as the King let out a deep breath.
"The girl? Who is she..? I need to see her for myself now. Remove her from his life if you want. Even though I want to k*ll every one of them, that b*stard is still my son." The King spoke as Albert smirked nodding. 

---In your house || Next day

"Y/N. How long are you planning to keep this up?" Your mother asked as you sighed. This morning, you were about to leave your house right after breakfast as always but she stopped you and started talking.
"What..?" You asked as she replied, "I've told you before. You can't keep this up. You have to get married. Your father has already prepared men to find good people for you. And if you still go around playing all day... Who do you even play with?" 
You awkwardly adjusted your voice and spoke, "I don't want to marry anyone... I want to marry someone I like." 
"And who do you like? Is he a prince or a King? Stop dreaming, Y/N. We're not commoners but from a noble family. Marrying someone you like is just in those fairytales. Your age of marriage is exceeding. If we waste any more time, how will you get married later? Do you want to live a single life?" She asked as you sighed scratching your neck.

"Mother... are you mad? Because I play all day?" You asked as she nodded sighing. You smiled back hugging her as you spoke, "Don't be! I'll get married! I'll get married at the best place you can ever imagine. But... don't scold me right now." She chuckled saying, "You're unbelievable."
"I know." You giggled as she smiled saying, "Come back early today. I don't know why you love going out like this for months now... but this won't go on for a long time anyway. So, go but take care. And as I always say, look out for the bloodsuckers. Don't go near the forest." You nodded saying, "Okay fine!" 

Getting out of the house, you let out a 'Hooh' before chuckling.
"I am going to a bloodsucker right now though... Sorry, mother. But there aren't even any bloodsuckers in the forest. They probably left because of Tae." You spoke before walking towards the forest. You smiled but soon you felt your stomach aching. 
"Ah... did I eat too much for breakfast? I was upset so I didn't eat that much...Ah... why is my stomach hurting?" You groaned before stopping in your tracks. Sitting on a bench on the side of the road, you looked at the sky. You were staring at the clouds which travelled here and there across the entire sky. 
"Beautiful." You spoke smiling a little, still holding your tummy but your eyes widened a little as you heard a familiar voice. 

"So beautiful." You looked beside you to see Taehyung staring at you with a warm smile. You awkwardly adjusted your voice saying, "Yeah... I know right. The clouds are-" You were talking but Taehyung cut you off saying, "No, I was talking about you." You looked at him before looking away.
"Aish! You shouldn't do that..." You spoke looking away as he smiled patting your head making you smile shyly. You loved it when he patted your head, and he knew that as well. 

"Well, did you eat? How was your sleep?" You asked as he looked at you before saying, "I don't need to sleep."
"I know. But still, you should. Even if you cannot fall asleep, just pretend to. There's no wrong in that! Staying awake the entire night, all alone in the dark can be lonely and you get bad thoughts as well." You said as he looked at you before looking down. He looked at the sky where you were already looking at. It was a comfortable silence until Taehyung broke it saying, "Is your stomachache gone?" You looked at him confused but soon nodded. 
"I heard you speaking to yourself." He said as you gasped a little.

"Are you a stalker or something?" You asked as he chuckled saying, "Do I look like one?" 
"Well... you're too good-looking for that." You mumbled as he smiled. 
"What? Did you hear me again?!" You asked as he shook his head saying, "I just felt happy. So I smiled." You nodded playing with your fingers. 

"I..." You mumbled looking down as he spoke, "Did anything happen today?" 
You looked at him a little confused, not understanding what he meant.
"You seem tensed. Did your mother scold you?" He asked as you looked down saying, "You just know everything... don't you?" He smiled as you spoke, "She wants me to get married. She says I'm old enough to get married. I'm 18 now... so many men keep sending marriage proposals to my house. And my father is also searching for a man for me. But, I don't want to marry." You looked at Taehyung who was blankly staring at you. 
"Will you marry me then?" He suddenly asked making you look at him completely shocked and speechless.

"W-What...H-How can you even- I mean, ah-" You said flustered as he said, "Just one month. One month later, I can become a powerful vampire. And then, I'll also reach adulthood very soon. I'm also eligible to take the throne and marry someone." 
"A-Are you... being serious?" You asked as he nodded smiling.
"But... you don't want to be the King." You said as he replied, "I can become one. If you want me to, I will become the King. But, you have to wait for me a little." 
"What if my father forcefully marries me off to someone?" You mumbled as he stared at you for some time. You looked at him not understanding what he was thinking about but your eyes widened when he placed his lips on yours. 

You closed your eyes smiling a little as your lips moved in sync. He pulled away, his face a few inches away from close yours as he stared right into your eyes. His eyes were bright red making you feel a little weird since this was your first time seeing this colour of his eyes. Suddenly, you felt his hand on the back of your neck and you felt a slight stinging pain there. You felt your body jolt up a little as Taehyung looked at you before smiling, his eyes turned brown. 
"What.. did you just do?" You asked touching the back of your neck as he spoke, "Marked you." You looked at him confused as he spoke, "I marked you mine. So, now.. even if you marry a man, in this life or your next 1000 lives.. it won't matter. In the end, you're going to be my queen."

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