Chapter Four

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"Stop pacing around the room. Just relax," You told Porco as you spun around in his chair.

The two of you were hanging out in his room waiting for Pieck to arrive. During lunch you managed to convince Marcel to work on his project in his kitchen but not before answering his questions about why his brother wanted to talk to you. Project stuff, you told him. You were pretty sure Marcel didn't know about Porco's situation and you didn't feel like it was your place to say anything about it.

"I can't relax. I mean haven't felt this way about anyone before. This is all new to me." Porco sounded a little out of breath.

"Porco can I ask you something?"

"You already did," he smirked.

"I'm being serious."

"Yeah alright. Shoot."

"Last week, why did you tell me about your feelings for Pieck? Don't get me wrong or anything, I appreciate that you felt comfortable enough with me to tell me but why? Let's be real, we're not exactly best friends. This is the third time we hung out in like the twelve years I've known you and I don't even know if these count as hang outs because we're technically just working on our project."

Porco swallowed, "I'm being totally honest when I say I don't know. There's just something about you that I can't pinpoint. Even Marcel doesn't what it is but he's always told how it's so easy talk to you because somehow you make him feel safe. That day I looked at you sitting on bed and even though you looked awkward as hell, I felt safe like no matter what I told you you wouldn't hold it against me."

You were speechless. How do I respond to that?

"Ah that sounds really cheesy now that I've said it out loud."

"I don't think it was cheesy. It was really sweet."

The two smiled at each other and sat in a comfortable silence. Which was soon interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"She's here!" Porco ran towards his door.

"Not yet!" You yelled at him.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you.

"We have to wait and let her and Marcel get situated downstairs before we go down there. Let's give them a few minutes" You whispered.

"Why are you whispering? I don't think they can hear us" Porco whispered back.

"If you don't think they can hear us why are you whispering?"

"Good point."

The two of you sat on Porco's bed. The comfortable silence returned. Your eyes fell to the picture frames on Porco's night stand. One frame had a photo of young Marcel and Porco with their parents. The second had a photo of Porco with his friends, Zeke, Bertholdt, Annie, and Reiner, though the way they talked to each other, Porco and Reiner didn't always seem like they were friends.

"Why don't you have more photos in your room?" You asked Porco while pointing at the picture frames.

He shrugged, "Only my absolute favorite photos get framed."

You nodded, "Are you ready?"

Porco took a breath before responding, "Yes."

The two of you got off his bed and made your way downstairs.

"Hey" You greeted Marcel and Pieck as you entered the kitchen with Porco following suit.

"Hey Y/n, hey Porco. Pieck, this is Y/n and of course you know Porco," Marcel introduced you to Pieck.

"I know Y/n, we had physics together last year," Pieck smiled.

"Yeah I remember. You were always explaining concepts to me and you were always so kind." You returned her smile.

"Thank you, you were also very kind."

"Thank you. Oh and don't mind us we're just grabbing a drink but before we go back upstairs, Marcel can I have a word with you in the other room real quick?"

"Sure," Marcel answered without hesitation.

You looked at Porco and waited for him to nod before leaving the room with Marcel.

"So what did you want to talk about? Is Porco bothering you?" Marcel asked, concern evident in his voice.

"No, it's nothing like that. Porco has been on his best behavior. I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to put my two weeks in at the diner." This isn't just me trying to distract Marcel, I have been considering quitting to spend more time at home with Evelyn since dad has been spending longer time on the road.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I want to spend more time at home with Evelyn ya know."

"I understand that. Well Colt and I are going to miss you on Sundays. Who else is going to help us steal desserts from the kitchen?" He laughed.

"Actually I have someone in mind who I think will make a great replacement. And don't say anything to Colt, I'm gonna tell him tomorrow."

Marcel nodded and the two of you joked around for a little while longer before heading back to the kitchen, where you saw Porco and Pieck laughing. Success.

"Alright alright that's enough chit chat, Porco go back to bothering Y/n and leave my poor partner alone," Marcel joked.

Porco and Pieck smiled at each other before you and Porco excused yourselves. Once you and Porco were inside his room again, you closed the door.

"So what happened? Tell me every-" You started to ask.

"We have a problem."

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