Chapter Thirty-Two

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The next morning, you awoke to a text message from Eren asking if you got home okay and a text message from Colt saying he wanted you and Marcel to accompany him to the mall today. You didn't receive any messages from Porco. It seemed he finally understood you were not budging on your decision. You quickly texted Eren back that you made it home just fine and then texted Colt to ask what time he wanted to meet up.

You yawned as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You got up from bed and walked into the kitchen. You said good morning to your father who was standing in front of the coffee pot and took a seat at the table. Your father placed a plate of food in front of you before pouring himself a cup of coffee and returning your greeting.

"How was your date last night?" He asked keeping his voice neutral, "I'm asking because I thought it was a bit strange that one boy picked you up and another one dropped you off."

You nearly choked on the little piece of toast that was in your mouth.

"I can explain!" You shouted.

"I'm listening."

"Eren's a great guy but halfway through the date I realized I don't want to start dating again. I'm too busy so I didn't want to start anything with him. He offered to drive me home but I felt bad about ruining his night so I called Marcel to come pick me up but Porco showed up instead."

The ends of your father's lips curled up slightly before he took a sip of his coffee.

"I haven't seen Porco around here in awhile and you haven't been going over to the Galliards' lately. What's that about?"

"He's been busy you know we just had finals, senior year is almost over and there's still a lot to do before graduation. He's also dating Pieck so a lot of his free time is spent with her."

Your father opened his mouth to speak but was promptly cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing. He looked at you expectantly and you got out of your seat to go see who was at the door.

Colt's and Marcel's smiling faces greeted you.

"You're not dressed yet," Colt suddenly frowned.

"I wasn't expecting you so soon," You replied.

"Well, we're already here so hurry and go get dressed. We'll be waiting in the car," Colt shooed you away from him.

You rolled your eyes at them and shut the door once they turned their backs to you. You walked back into the kitchen to clean up your dishes and tell your dad you were going out with your friends. He cautioned you to be safe and you went into your bedroom to get dressed. It was cold out and you were certain Colt wanted to go to the outdoor shopping mall so you picked out a pair of blue jeans to wear with a white turtleneck under a forest green crewneck sweatshirt and a pair of sneakers. The outfit was casual as you didn't feel like dressing up too much and it would keep you warm which was good enough for you.

After saying goodbye to your father, you locked the front door and ran to Marcel's car. You slipped into the backseat and you swore Colt got whiplash from how quickly he turned his head to face you.

"So how was your date with Eren last night?" Colt's eyes widened in anticipation.

Marcel shook his head at Colt and smacked his arm, "Can't you at least say hello to her?"

"Hello Y/n, how was your date?" Colt couldn't sit still in his seat despite him wearing his seatbelt.

"Um, it was nice up until I totally freaked out in the middle of movie and walked out of the theater," You groaned, "I'm not over Porco like at all and going on the rebound isn't going to help. Eren was really nice about the whole thing he even offered to take me home and miss the rest of the movie but I declined."

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